第十二讲 ● 动词的虚拟式:主动态、被动态 ● Sum与possum的虚拟式 ● 祈愿虚拟句 Si-从句:条件从句 ● Paulus and Lucia(仪II) Part 1语法 一动词的虚拟式(modus subiuctivus). 动词的虚拟式(coniunctivus,the subjunctive mood,简记SUB)主要用于各种复合 句,表示某种“假设、愿望、劝告、命令、让步”等。 前此课文中已多次出现虚拟式,如: in mulum ascendas.Please you get up on to the mule!(第五讲,课文A) ascendere 3 to climb,to ascend Disputer philosophus vacuo cratere,sciat quia minus est scire quam habere.Let the philosopher dispute with an empty bowl,Let him know that knowing is worth less than having. (第八讲,课文B) disputare I to dispute;scire 4 to know Dum nos fata sinunt,oculos satiemus amore.While fate permits us,let us fill our eyes with love.(第九讲,课文A) sinere 3 to permit,to allow;satiare I to satisfy Vivamus mea Lucia atque amemus.Let us live,my Lucia,and let us love.( vivere 3 to live;amare lto love Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,sed libera nos a malo.And lead us not into temptation, but free us from evil(第十一讲,课文A) inducere 3 to induce,lead;librare 1 to free 动词的虚拟式有四个时式:现在时、未完成过去时、完成时、过去完成时,也有主 动态和被动态。它们多用于各种从句。第十二讲  动词的虚拟式:主动态、被动态  Sum 与 possum 的虚拟式  祈愿虚拟句  Si-从句:条件从句  Paulus and Lucia(XII) Part 1 语法 一 动词的虚拟式(modus subiuctivus) 动词的虚拟式(coniunctivus,the subjunctive mood,简记 SUB)主要用于各种复合 句,表示某种“假设、愿望、劝告、命令、让步”等。 前此课文中已多次出现虚拟式,如: in mulum ascendas . Please you get up on to the mule ! (第五讲,课文 A) ascendere 3 to climb, to ascend Disputet philosophus vacuo cratere, sciat quia minus est scire quam habere. Let the philosopher dispute with an empty bowl, Let him know that knowing is worth less than having. (第八讲,课文 B) disputare 1 to dispute ; scire 4 to know Dum nos fata sinunt,oculos satiemus amore. While fate permits us, let us fill our eyes with love. (第九讲,课文 A) sinere 3 to permit, to allow; satiare 1 to satisfy Vivamus mea Lucia atque amemus. Let us live, my Lucia, and let us love.(同上) vivere 3 to live; amare 1to love Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. And lead us not into temptation, but free us from evil (第十一讲,课文 A) inducere 3 to induce, lead ; librare 1 to free 动词的虚拟式有四个时式:现在时、未完成过去时、完成时、过去完成时,也有主 动态和被动态。它们多用于各种从句
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