莲 制卧价贸易上考 金融英语阅读 现其实那支表现最差的股票价值“仅仅”缩水了92%,或是个别的什么数字。 2.In general,it is changes that are of interest in forecasting returns and many graphs of levels should be converted to graphs of changes to see the value of the relationship for timing or selection purposes. 译文:总体而言,变化对预测收益更为重要,而许多表示程度的图表应当转换成表示变化的 图表以考察这种相关性的内在价值,用以测定时间或作出选择。 3.This means there only a one in hundred or a one in twenty chance of the findings being the result of chance rather than being true findings. 译文:这意味着仅有1%或1/20的可能性,这只是偶然结果而非真实可靠的发现。 第十三章 Investment Products and Services Provided by Insurers 1、教学目的 By the end of the chapter,students should be able to know about >the types of investment products and services provided by insurers discussed by the text >the respective features of the investment products and services mentioned the respective advantages and disadvantages of the investment products and services mentioned 2、教学计划 This chapter will cover 3 hours.2 hours will be contributed to explanation of the words,phrases and sentences.The other 1 hour will be devoted to discussion and questions and answers. 3、教学方法 Translation:key sentences and terms Paraphrasing:major words and sentences >Summarizing:important paragraphs Discussion:key issues Questions and answers 第18页共24页金融英语阅读 第 18 页 共 24 页 现其实那支表现最差的股票价值“仅仅”缩水了 92%,或是个别的什么数字。 2. In general, it is changes that are of interest in forecasting returns and many graphs of levels should be converted to graphs of changes to see the value of the relationship for timing or selection purposes. 译文:总体而言,变化对预测收益更为重要,而许多表示程度的图表应当转换成表示变化的 图表以考察这种相关性的内在价值,用以测定时间或作出选择。 3. This means there only a one in hundred or a one in twenty chance of the findings being the result of chance rather than being true findings. 译文:这意味着仅有 1%或 1/20 的可能性,这只是偶然结果而非真实可靠的发现。 第十三章 Investment Products and Services Provided by Insurers 1、 教学目的 By the end of the chapter, students should be able to know about ¾ the types of investment products and services provided by insurers discussed by the text ¾ the respective features of the investment products and services mentioned ¾ the respective advantages and disadvantages of the investment products and services mentioned 2、 教学计划 This chapter will cover 3 hours. 2 hours will be contributed to explanation of the words, phrases and sentences. The other 1 hour will be devoted to discussion and questions and answers. 3、 教学方法 ¾ Translation: key sentences and terms ¾ Paraphrasing: major words and sentences ¾ Summarizing: important paragraphs ¾ Discussion: key issues ¾ Questions and answers
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