TABLE OF CONTENTS XIl Page ,2004-200 200 ,2004-2005 cr-boreMA els by TN Cs from ng and nsition economies 1987-2005 00 112 4 ward FDI..98,190.2008a ies in terms o 13 r developing and 115 200 selected industries 2004 major countr gr0ups.1990-200 ition economies m.12 121 ec 345678 200 ales 2004 1235 Largest Asia by 934 by sources of advantage y com alue no-payment 1987200 t of FDI in the United States. 173 selected developins V.3. 179 Exports per unit 192 V.5. 194 nin ub-Sahran fco rd FDL surve oping or transition ec Annex A 198 1991a0 002-2004 s and foreign affil hy region and 20 M&A latest available year 1987-2 colectempleteg ent fund 最 and Potential In ankings.1990-200 ranked by foreign foreign assets,2004 217720 an 286TABLE OF CONTENTS xiii II.16. Developed countries: distribution of cross-border M&As, by home/host region, 2004-2005 ................. 87 II.17. Developed countries: country distribution of FDI flows, by range, 2005 .................................................. 88 II.18. Outward FDI from developed countries to major country groups, 1990-2004 .......................................... 90 II.19. Developed countries: distribution of cross-border M&As, by sector/industry, 2004-2005 ..................... 93 III.1. Top 15 acquirers based in developing economies, cumulative, 1987-2005 .............................................. 110 III.2. Top 25 cross-border M&A deals by TNCs from developing and transition economies, 1987-2005 ...... 111 III.3. Number of greenfield and expansion FDI projects by firms based in developing and transition economies, by source region, 2002-2005 ........................................................ 112 III.4. Top 15 developing and transition economies in terms of stocks of outward FDI, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2005 ................................................................................................... 113 III.5. Basic facts about the outward FDI stock of major developing and transition economies, 2005 or latest year available .................................................................................... 115 III.6. Outward FDI stock of developing and transition economies, by sector, 2004 ......................................... 116 III.7. Outward FDI stock of developing and transition economies, by sector and selected industries, 2004 . 117 III.8. FDI from developing and transition economies, 1985-2004 ...................................................................... 118 III.9. Inward FDI stock of developing and transition economies, by major country groups, 1990-2004 ....... 119 III.10. FDI from developing and transition economies to selected LDCs, various years ................................... 121 III.11. FDI projects undertaken by TNCs from developing or transition economies, by destination region, 2002-2005 ................................................................................................................. 121 III.12. Number of foreign affiliates of TNCs from developing and transition economies, selected developed host countries, various years........................................................................................ 121 III.13. Number of parent companies, selected developing economies, selected years........................................ 122 III.14. Top 20 TNCs, ranked by revenue and their activities, 2005 or latest available year .............................. 123 III.15. Top South African non-financial TNCs, ranked by sales, 2004 ................................................................. 125 III.16. Selected large “ethnic Chinese” companies in South-East Asia, ranked by market capitalization ........ 129 III.17. Largest TNCs from Latin America and the Caribbean, ranked by sales, 2004......................................... 133 III.18. Largest TNCs from South-East Europe and the CIS, ranked by sales, 2004 ............................................ 134 IV.1. Types of advantages possessed by developing-country TNCs, by sources of advantage ........................ 148 IV.2. Types of competitive advantages of developing-country TNCs, by sector............................................... 154 V.1. Top 10 cross-border M&A deals in the oil and gas industry by companies from developing and transition economies, ranked by the value of sales, 1987-2005 ..................................... 173 V.2. Balance-of-payments impact of FDI in the United States, selected developing home economies, 1992-2002 ......................................................................................................................... 179 V.3. Exports per unit of sales of affiliates of TNCs from developing and developed countries in 15 sub-Saharan African countries, by industry, 2005.......................................... 192 V.4. Selected indicators of employment by affiliates of TNCs from developing and developed countries in 15 sub-Saharan African countries, 2005 ............................................................... 194 V.5. Training expenditure per foreign affiliate in 15 sub-Saharan African countries, by size and origin of affiliate, 2005 ............................................................................................................. 194 VI.1. Economies with no controls on outward FDI, 2005 ................................................................................... 207 VI.2. TPOs and outward FDI promotion: results from a survey ......................................................................... 214 VI.3. Services offered by TPOs promoting outward FDI..................................................................................... 215 VI.4. IPAs known to have offices in developing or transition economies.......................................................... 223  A.I.1. Greenfield FDI projects, by investor/destination region, 2002-2005 ....................................................... 263 A.I.2. Estimated world inward FDI stock, by sector and industry, 1990 and 2004 ............................................ 266 A.I.3. Estimated world outward FDI stock, by sector and industry, 1990 and 2004 .......................................... 267 A.I.4. Estimated world inward FDI flows, by sector and industry, 1989-1991 and 2002-2004 ........................ 268 A.I.5. Estimated world outward FDI flows, by sector and industry, 1989-1991 and 2002-2004 ...................... 269 A.I.6. Number of parent corporations and foreign affiliates, by region and economy, latest available year ... 270 A.I.7. Cross-border M&A deals with values of over $1 billion completed in 2005 ........................................... 273 A.I.8. Selected 50 large cross-border M&As involving collective investment funds, completed during 1987-2005 ........................................................................................................................ 276 A.I.9. Inward FDI Performance and Potential Index rankings, 1990-2005 ......................................................... 277 A.I.10. Top 50 economies signatories of BITs and DTTs, concluded as of end 2005 .......................................... 279 A.I.11. The world’s top 100 non-financial TNCs, ranked by foreign assets, 2004 ............................................... 280 A.I.12. The top 100 non-financial TNCs from developing countries, ranked by foreign assets, 2004 ............... 283 A.I.13. The top 10 non-financial TNCs from South-East Europe and the CIS, ranked by foreign assets, 2004 ...................................................................................................................... 286 Page
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