There are several reasons for his decision of studying of st udying law. For one thing he is very interested in social affairs and it seems the best way to enable him to engag e in these activities. For another, his father is a lawyer,w ho has always encouraged him to do something similar. In addition, he is sure that he can get a job after graduati on 2)A number of factors contribute to (lead to /result in/ a ccount for)…… and what's more 例句: A number of factors contribute to changing moral values-sel f-indulgence, the lack of social consciousness and the deg eneration of the society itself 3 We may consider (regard/think of /take the change (phe nomenon/decrease/ development/the suddenly rise )as a sign ( symbo/ evidence/ landmark)of……… but the truth is that 例句: We may take the change as a symbol of social developme nt, but the truth is that it will only lead to social corrup tionThere are several reasons for his decision of studying of st udying law . For one thing, he is very interested in social affairs and it seems the best way to enable him to engag e in these activities. For another, his father is a lawyer, w ho has always encouraged him to do something similar. In addition , he is sure that he can get a job after graduati on. 2)A number of factors contribute to (lead to /result in / a ccount for )……..and what’s more ……… 例句: A number of factors contribute to changing moral values-sel f-indulgence , the lack of social consciousness and the deg eneration of the society itself. 3) We may consider (regard/think of /take)the change (phe nomenon/ decrease/ development/the suddenly rise)as a sign (symbol/evidence/landmark)of ………but the truth is that ……. 例句: We may take the change as a symbol of social developme nt , but the truth is that it will only lead to social corrup tion