CAPITVLVM SEXTVM CAP.VI Ubi sunt Stephanus et discipuli In culina an in amphitheatro Vocabula nova ancilla-ae slave girl:maid servant clamavit wailed:clamo-are 1 shout: Eng.clamor,clamant喧嚷的,吵闹的 dat s/he gives:do-are,dedi,datum I emo-ere 3 buy ire to go:不规则动词eo,ire,ii iussit完成时第三人称单数s/he told,ordered:iubeo-ere,iussi2 order,tell miser-a-um wretched oboedientia-ae +abl.duty:Eng.obedience,obey possumus we are able,can satis +dat.enough:Eng.satisfy,satisfaction satis+facere servus-i serf农奴,slae:Eng.servant,.service tacete!Be quiet!Eng.tacit缄默:taciturn沉默寡言的 Ubi eram?Where were I? Commentarii 1.qui Paulo est amicus who is friendly1 o Paul.Paulo是Paulus的dat.而不是abl.形容词加与格,见p53 Dative case:to,for someone or something 2.Quis iussit Paulum ad oppidum ire et cibum vinumque emere iussit(order)要求补充不定式 3.Et oleum et ova et unguenta oleum sing.acc.ova ovum pl.acc.unguenta unguentum pl.acc. 4 ,Non satis Benedicto Not enough for Benedict satis后要求与格 5.Paulus culinae servus est,Paul is a slave to the kitchen culinae是与格(问题:culinae可否是属格?) 后边还有:Sed nunc Paulus Benedicto est servus-一与格往往通过to或for与名词连用来确定!前文Nulla enim victimis erat misericordia也是这一用法。 6. Paulus Benedicto cibum vinumque semper dat Paul is always giving food and wine to Benedict 7.Neque coquo neque culinae sed magistro et scholae est Pauli oboedientia Paul's duty is neither to the cook nor the kitchen.but to the master and school: 注意:coquo,culinae,magistro,scholae是dat.!而不是abl, Liber Latinus medico utilis est..拉丁书对医生是有用的。medico是medicus的与格 8.Tacete动词tacere的复数命令式 Latin Motto Pro mundi beneficio.for the benefit of the world. Spectatum veniunt,veniunt spectentur ut ipsae.they come to see,they come to be seen themselves Nulli malum pro malo reddentes.recompense(render)to no man evil for evil. Vulgate.Romans 12:17 Satis diu vel naturae vixi vel gloriae.I have lived long enough for the demands of nature or fame.Cicero.Pro Marcello 6CAPITVLVM SEXTVM CAP.VI 6 Ubi sunt Stephanus et discipuli ? In culina an in amphitheatro ? Vocabula nova ancilla-ae slave girl; maid servant clamavit wailed; clamo-are 1 shout; Eng. clamor v.; clamant 喧嚷的,吵闹的 dat s/he gives; do-are, dedi, datum 1 emo-ere 3 buy ire to go;不规则动词 eo, ire, ii iussit 完成时第三人称单数 s/he told, ordered; iubeo-ere, iussi 2 order, tell miser-a-um wretched oboedientia-ae +abl. duty; Eng. obedience, obey possumus we are able, can satis +dat. enough; Eng. satisfy , satisfaction < satis+facere servus-i serf 农奴, slave; Eng. servant, service tacete! Be quiet! Eng. tacit 缄默;taciturn 沉默寡言的 Ubi eram? Where were I? Commentarii 1. qui Paulo est amicus who is friendly to Paul . Paulo 是 Paulus 的 dat. 而不是 abl. 形容词加与格,见 p53 Dative case: to, for someone or something 2. Quis iussit Paulum ad oppidum ire et cibum vinumque emere iussit (order) 要求补充不定式 3. Et oleum et ova et unguenta oleum sing.acc. ova ovum pl.acc. unguenta unguentum pl. acc. 4. Non satis Benedicto Not enough for Benedict satis 后要求与格 5. Paulus culinae servus est Paul is a slave to the kitchen culinae 是与格(问题:culinae 可否是属格?) 后边还有:Sed nunc Paulus Benedicto est servus—与格往往通过 to 或 for 与名词连用来确定!前文 Nulla enim victimis erat misericordia 也是这一用法。 6. Paulus Benedicto cibum vinumque semper dat Paul is always giving food and wine to Benedict 7. Neque coquo neque culinae sed magistro et scholae est Pauli oboedientia Paul’s duty is neither to the cook nor the kitchen, but to the master and school; 注意: coquo, culinae, magistro, scholae 是 dat.! 而不是 abl. Liber Latinus medico utilis est. 拉丁书对医生是有用的。medico 是 medicus 的与格 8.Tacete 动词 tacere 的复数命令式 Latin Motto Pro mundi beneficio. for the benefit of the world. Spectatum veniunt, veniunt spectentur ut ipsae. they come to see, they come to be seen themselves Nulli malum pro malo reddentes. recompense(render) to no man evil for evil. Vulgate. Romans 12:17 Satis diu vel naturae vixi vel gloriae. I have lived long enough for the demands of nature or fame. Cicero. Pro Marcello
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