Supply Chain Management-Beer Game Report HeYi5100309186 5.The information is transferred not enough between supply chain partners; 6. The process of the decision is sequential,which means there is lack of cooperation. 2.Compare the changes of the bullwhip effect under different modes. From the results of all the three modes,we can see bullwhip effect clearly. However,when we change the mode,we can see differences. In the short lead time mode,the variation of the mean is smaller compare with the result of the normal mode,which is,as standard deviation grows across the supply chain,it grows less with the short lead time than normal.This shows that lead time reduction can significantly reduce the bullwhip effect throughout a supply chain. In the centralized mode,from the report we can see that the total cost variation across supply chain is less than normal.This shows that by centralizing demand information,the bullwhip effect can be reduced. 3.Make a comprehensive analysis for different modes and provide some suggestions for the case of Barilla SPA(A)in the text. From the results above we can see the bullwhip effect clearly,which is the increase in variability as we travel up in the supply chain.While customer demand for specific products does not very much,inventory and back-order levels fluctuate considerably across their supply chain. From the graph,when the demand from the retailer varies not very much,the demand of the wholesaler varies clearly more,the demand of the distributor changes more than wholesaler's,while the demand of the factory varies the most and shows the great fluctuation. From the report,we can see that the mean of the retailer demand is the least, wholesaler has a larger mean,distributor's mean even larger,and the mean of the factory is the largest.The standard deviation (SD)has the same rank,so as the cost. Which means across the supply chain,the mean of the order would become more because of the larger order fluctuation (Which can be seen from the larger SD),and this can cause a larger total cost.In the short lead time mode,the variation of the mean is smaller compare with the result of the normal mode,and in the centralized 12Supply Chain Management - Beer Game Report He Yi 5100309186 12 5. The information is transferred not enough between supply chain partners; 6. The process of the decision is sequential, which means there is lack of cooperation. 2. Compare the changes of the bullwhip effect under different modes. From the results of all the three modes, we can see bullwhip effect clearly. However, when we change the mode, we can see differences. In the short lead time mode, the variation of the mean is smaller compare with the result of the normal mode, which is, as standard deviation grows across the supply chain, it grows less with the short lead time than normal. This shows that lead time reduction can significantly reduce the bullwhip effect throughout a supply chain. In the centralized mode, from the report we can see that the total cost variation across supply chain is less than normal. This shows that by centralizing demand information, the bullwhip effect can be reduced. 3. Make a comprehensive analysis for different modes and provide some suggestions for the case of Barilla SPA(A) in the text. From the results above we can see the bullwhip effect clearly, which is the increase in variability as we travel up in the supply chain. While customer demand for specific products does not very much, inventory and back-order levels fluctuate considerably across their supply chain. From the graph, when the demand from the retailer varies not very much, the demand of the wholesaler varies clearly more, the demand of the distributor changes more than wholesaler’s, while the demand of the factory varies the most and shows the great fluctuation. From the report, we can see that the mean of the retailer demand is the least, wholesaler has a larger mean, distributor’s mean even larger, and the mean of the factory is the largest. The standard deviation (SD) has the same rank, so as the cost. Which means across the supply chain, the mean of the order would become more because of the larger order fluctuation (Which can be seen from the larger SD), and this can cause a larger total cost. In the short lead time mode, the variation of the mean is smaller compare with the result of the normal mode, and in the centralized
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