1706363《大国海洋(二)》教学大纲 睡程名务中餐文h大降二6eoa。 课程编号:1706363 讲授 :16 一、课程简介 1.课程概况 本课程是一门综合性思政教有全校选修课程,主要讲授与国家生态文明建设和国家安全 意识相关的海洋生态安全问题,以海洋强国建设为目标,以国家海洋生态文明建设和海洋环 境安全为核心,从生态文明和生态安全、海洋生态文明与美丽中国、海洋生态安全之海洋 生态、海洋生态安全之海洋藻类灾害、海洋生态安全之岛礁海域生态、海洋生态安全之海洋 生态修复、海洋生态安全之气候变化与海洋生态、海洋生态安全之21世纪海上丝绸之路等 方面,系统介绍我国海洋生态文明建设举措与海洋生态安全风险,探深讨保障中国海洋生态安 全的策略和治理措施,培养学生的生态文明和生态安全意识,增强生态环境保护意识,树立 科学的、正确的世界观、人生观和价值观 This course is a comprehensive elective course for ideological and political education.It mainly teaches marine ecological security issues related to national ecological civilization construction and national security awareness with the objective of constructing of a maritime power strategy and the core of the national marine ecological civilization construction and marine environmental safety.It introduces China's construction measures for marine ecological civilization and marine ecological security risks and also explore the strategies and governance measures in some ways such as,ecological civilization and ecological security,marine ecological civilization and beautiful China,marine algae disaster,island reef sea marine ecological restoration,the climate change and and the 21st century Maritime Silk Road of marine ecology.This coure will train students's awareness of the ecological civilization and ecological security,at the same time,enhance their awareness of ecological environmental protection,and finally help them establish a scientific and correct world outlook,outlook on life and values. 2课程目标10 1706363《大国海洋(二)》教学大纲 课程名称(中文/英文):大国海洋(二)/Blue Future of Great Nation (2) 课程编号:1706363 学 分:1 学分 学 时:总学时 16 学时分配:讲授学时:16 课程负责人:薛俊增 一、 课程简介 1.课程概况 本课程是一门综合性思政教育全校选修课程,主要讲授与国家生态文明建设和国家安全 意识相关的海洋生态安全问题,以海洋强国建设为目标,以国家海洋生态文明建设和海洋环 境安全为核心,从生态文明和生态安全、海洋生态文明与美丽中国、海洋生态安全之海洋大 生态、海洋生态安全之海洋藻类灾害、海洋生态安全之岛礁海域生态、海洋生态安全之海洋 生态修复、海洋生态安全之气候变化与海洋生态、海洋生态安全之 21 世纪海上丝绸之路等 方面,系统介绍我国海洋生态文明建设举措与海洋生态安全风险,探讨保障中国海洋生态安 全的策略和治理措施,培养学生的生态文明和生态安全意识,增强生态环境保护意识,树立 科学的、正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。 This course is a comprehensive elective course for ideological and political education. It mainly teaches marine ecological security issues related to national ecological civilization construction and national security awareness with the objective of constructing of a maritime power strategy and the core of the national marine ecological civilization construction and marine environmental safety. It introduces China's construction measures for marine ecological civilization and marine ecological security risks and also explore the strategies and governance measures in some ways such as, ecological civilization and ecological security, marine ecological civilization and beautiful China, marine algae disaster, island reef sea ecology, marine ecological restoration, the climate change and and the 21st century Maritime Silk Road of marine ecology. This coure will train students’s awareness of the ecological civilization and ecological security, at the same time, enhance their awareness of ecological environmental protection, and finally help them establish a scientific and correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. 2.课程目标
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