(1)玛丽·道格拉斯及其生平 (2)《洁净与危险:亵渎和禁忌概念的分析》 1.The connection between symbolic anthropology and structuralism 2.The relationship between signs and symbols 3.Study of daily rituals (1)Mary Douglas and her life (2)Purity and Danger:An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo (三)课后练习 阅读玛丽·道格拉斯的《洁净与危险:亵渎和禁忌概念的分析》 (四)教学方法与手段 教师讲授,并引导学生分组讨论和课堂讨论 第十一章解释人类学 (一)目的与要求 1、掌握解释人类学的基本研究方法 2、熟悉格尔兹的生平及其主要著作 3、了解解释人类学与象征人类学的关联 1.Master the basic research methods of interpretive anthropology 2.Be familiar with Clifford Gertz's life and his major works 3.Understand the relationship between interpretive anthropology and symbolic anthropology (二)教学内容 1、格尔兹的生平及其主要著作 2、解释人类学的要旨 3、《深层的游戏:关于巴厘岛斗鸡的记述》 1.The life of Clifford Gertz and his major works 2.Explain the gist of anthropology 3.Deep Game:An Account of cockfighting in Bali (三)课后练习 阅读格尔兹的《文化的解释》 11 11 (1)玛丽·道格拉斯及其生平 (2)《洁净与危险:亵渎和禁忌概念的分析》 1. The connection between symbolic anthropology and structuralism 2. The relationship between signs and symbols 3. Study of daily rituals (1) Mary Douglas and her life (2) Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo (三)课后练习 阅读玛丽·道格拉斯的《洁净与危险:亵渎和禁忌概念的分析》 (四)教学方法与手段 教师讲授,并引导学生分组讨论和课堂讨论 第十一章 解释人类学 (一)目的与要求 1、掌握解释人类学的基本研究方法 2、熟悉格尔兹的生平及其主要著作 3、了解解释人类学与象征人类学的关联 1. Master the basic research methods of interpretive anthropology 2. Be familiar with Clifford Gertz's life and his major works 3. Understand the relationship between interpretive anthropology and symbolic anthropology (二)教学内容 1、格尔兹的生平及其主要著作 2、解释人类学的要旨 3、《深层的游戏:关于巴厘岛斗鸡的记述》 1. The life of Clifford Gertz and his major works 2. Explain the gist of anthropology 3. Deep Game: An Account of cockfighting in Bali (三)课后练习 阅读格尔兹的《文化的解释》
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