Review: MIPS(RISC)Design Principles a Simplicity favors regularity fixed size instructions small number of instruction formats opcode always the first 6 bits 口 Smaller is faster limited instruction set limited number of registers in register file limited number of addressing modes o Make the common case fast arithmetic operands from the register file(load-store machine allow instructions to contain immediate operands a Good design demands good compromises three instruction formats 日209 Chapter4A2 CSE SJTU, 2017EI209 Chapter 4A.2 CSE, SJTU, 2017 Review: MIPS (RISC) Design Principles ❑ Simplicity favors regularity fixed size instructions small number of instruction formats opcode always the first 6 bits ❑ Smaller is faster limited instruction set limited number of registers in register file limited number of addressing modes ❑ Make the common case fast arithmetic operands from the register file (load-store machine) allow instructions to contain immediate operands ❑ Good design demands good compromises three instruction formats