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In this course we will study Classical Mechanics. Particle motion in Classical Mechanics is governed by Newton's laws and is sometimes referred to as Newtonian Mechanics. These laws are empirical in that they combine observations from nature and some intuitive concepts. Newton's laws of motion are not self evident. For instance, in Aristotelian mechanics before Newton, force was thought to be required in order
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TEXT Munson, B R, Young, D F and kishi, T H, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 4th edition, John Wiley son, 2002 REFERENCES Shames IH. Mechanics of Fluids. 3rd Edition
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1.1 The failures of classical physics 1.2 The characteristic of the motion of microscopic particles 1.3 The basic assumptions (postulates) of quantum mechanics 1.4 Solution of free particle in a box - a simple application of Quantum Mechanics
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1.1 The failures of classical physics 1.2 The characteristic of the motion of microscopic particles 1.3 The basic assumptions (postulates) of quantum mechanics 1.4 Solution of free particle in a box – a simple application of Quantum Mechanics
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7.1 Basic physical quantities 7.2 Mechanics properties of rubber elasticity Griffith Theory 7.3 Fracture Mechanics of Brittle Materials Stress, strain, modulus Theory of rubber elasticity 7.4 Fracture properties of polymer in glassy and crystalline state
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Statics, Dynamics and Mechanical Engineering 1、 Introduction Mechanics Science which describes and predicts the conditions of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces The field of Classical mechanics can be divided into three categories 1)Mechanics of Rigid Bodies
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Chapter 34Quantum Mechanics 1. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 2. Schrodinger's Equation
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Chapter 1 The Schrodinger Equation 1 Quantum Chemistry the late 1600s Classical Mechanics. Newton Macroscopic objects he early 1900s Quantum Mechanics, Microscopic objects. (electrons, nuclei)
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When one is faced with a condensed-phase system, usually containing many molecules, that is at or near thermal equilibrium, it is not necessary or even wise to try to describe it in terms of quantum wave functions or even classical trajectories of all of the constituent molecules. Instead, the powerful tools of statistical mechanics
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The dynamics of many-particle systems is called statistical mechanics. The kinetic theory is a special aspect of the statistical mechanics of large number of particles. Suitable averages of the physical characteristics and motions of individual particles provide information about the macroscopic behavior of the system as a whole
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