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1.1有机化合物与有机化学 (Organic Compounds and Organic Chemistry) 国1.2有机化合物的结构和结构理论 (Structure and Theory of organic Compound) 因1.3共价键的断裂与有机化学反应 ( Cleavage of Covalent Bond and reactions) 1.4有机化合物的分类 ( Classification of Organic Compounds)
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Part I Introduction 1. The development history of organic synthesis 2. The influences of organic synthesis on organic chemistry 3. The research scope of organic synthesis
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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are liquids or solids that contain organic carbon (carbon bonded to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, or sulfur, but not carbonate carbon as in CaCO3 nor carbide carbon as in CaC2 or CO or CO2), which vaporize at significant rates. VOCs are probably the second-most widespread and diverse class of emissions after particulates
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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are liquids or solids that contain organic carbon (carbon bonded to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, or sulfur, but not carbonate carbon as in CaCO3 nor carbide carbon as in CaC2 or CO or CO2), which vaporize at significant rates. VOCs are probably the second-most widespread and diverse class of emissions after particulates
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first three chapters established some fundamental principles concerning the structure of organic molecules. In this chapter we begin our discussion of organic chemical reactions by directing attention to alcohols and alkyl halides. These two rank among the most useful classes of organic compounds because they often serve as starting materials for the preparation of numerous other families
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ow that we've reviewed the various bonding models, we are ready to examine organic compounds in respect to their structure, reactions, properties, and appli cations. Were we to list the physical and chemical properties of each of the more than million organic compounds separately, it would tax the capacity of even a pow- erful computer. Yet someone who is trained in organic chemistry can simply look at the structure
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ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The first question we need to ask ourselves s What is“ Organic Chemistry\?
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Concept of organic fertilizers Organic fertilizers-that are derived from the wastes and residues of plants or animals. Such as manure, sewage sludge etc. Some consist of unprocessed plant materials(such as tree leaves, grass clipping, crop residues, and green manure crops)
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Biocatalysts in organic chemical synthesis 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Micro-organisms as catalysts of organic synthesis 2.3 Enzyme preparations versus whole cell processes 2.4 Scale of production 2.5 Modes of operation of bioprocesses 2.6 Biotechnological processes verses chemical synthetic processes
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Lecture 12: Organic templating of inorganic materials and bone biomimesis Last time interfacial biomineralization and biomimetic inorganic chemistry Today biological strategies for inorganic templating by organic materials Biomimetic
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