Properties of Demand Functions Comparative statics analysis(比较 静态分析) of ordinary demand functions the study of how ordinary demands *(p,P2,y) and x2*(p1,P2,y) change as prices p1, P2 and income y change
What Do We Do in This Chapter? We conduct comparative statics analysis of ordinary demand functions the study of how ordinary demands*(p,,P2,y) and x2*(p1,p2,y) change as prices1,P2 and income y change. Theoretically, nothing new
I. 脉冲星(高速旋转的中子星)基本的观测性质 II.有关凝聚态(超流与超导)的物理预备知识 III. 我们的有关研究背景 IV. 磁星超强磁场的物理本质 ─ 各向异性中子超流体3P2中子Cooper对的顺磁磁化现象 V. 强磁场下电子气体的Fermi能同磁场强度的相关性 VI. 磁星的活动性与高X-射线光度 VII. 年轻脉冲星Glitch的物理本质: 3P2 中子超流体 的相震荡模型