文档格式:PPT 文档大小:757KB 文档页数:80
⚫ To understand objects and classes and use classes to model objects (§6.2). ⚫ To learn how to declare a class and how to create an object of a class (§6.3). ⚫ To understand the roles of constructors and use constructors to create objects (§6.3). ⚫ To use UML graphical notations to describe classes and objects (§6.3). ⚫ To distinguish between object reference variables and primitive data type variables (§6.4) ...... ⚫ To understand the difference between instance and static variables and methods (§6.10). ⚫ To determine the scope of variables in the context of a class (§6.11). ⚫ To use the keyword this as the reference to the current object that invokes the instance method (§6.12). ⚫ To store and process objects in arrays (§6.13). ⚫ To apply class abstraction to develop software (§6.14). ⚫ To declare inner classes (§6.17)
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⚫ To distinguish simple GUI components (§11.2). ⚫ To describe the Java GUI API hierarchy (§11.3). ⚫ To create user interfaces using frames, panels, and simple UI components (§11.4). ⚫ To understand the role of layout managers (§11.5). ⚫ To use the FlowLayout, GridLayout, and BorderLayout managers to layout components in a container (§11.5). ⚫ To specify colors and fonts using the Color and Font classes (§11.6-11.7). ⚫ To use JPanel as subcontainers (§11.8). ⚫ To paint graphics using the paintComponentmethod on a panel (§11.9). ⚫ To draw strings, lines, rectangles, ovals, arcs, and polygons using the drawing methods in the Graphics class (§11.9). ⚫ To center display using the FontMetricsClass (§11.10). ⚫ To develop a reusable component MessagePanel to display a message on a panel (§11.11). ⚫ To develop a reusable component StillClock to emulate an analog clock (§11.12 Optional)
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⚫ To know what is exception and what is exception handling (§15.2). ⚫ To distinguish exception types: Error (fatal) vs. Exception (non￾fatal), and checked vs. uncheck exceptions (§15.2). ⚫ To declare exceptions in the method header (§15.3). ⚫ To throw exceptions out of a method (§15.3). ⚫ To write a try-catch block to handle exceptions (§15.3). ⚫ To explain how an exception is propagated (§15.3). ⚫ To rethrow exceptions in a try-catch block (§15.4). ⚫ To use the finally clause in a try-catch block (§15.5). ⚫ To know when to use exceptions (§15.6). ⚫ To declare custom exception classes (§15.7 Optional). ⚫ To apply assertions to help ensure program correctness (§15.8)
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⚫ To explain how the Web browser controls and executes applets (§ 14.2). ⚫ To describe the init, start, stop, and destroy methods in the Applet class (§ 14.2). ⚫ To know how to embed applets in Web pages (§ 14.4). ⚫ To run applets from appletviewer and from Web browsers (§ 14.4). ⚫ To pass string values to applets from HTML (§ 14.5). ⚫ To write a Java program that can run as both an application and an applet (§ 14.6). ⚫ To get image files using the URL class and display images in the panel (§ 14.9 Optional). ⚫ To develop a reusable component ImageViewer to display images (§ 14.10 Optional). ⚫ To get audio files and play sound (§ 14.12 Optional). ⚫ To package and deploy Java projects using Java archive files (§ 14.13 Optional). ⚫ To use Swing pluggable look-and-feel (§ 14.14 Optional)
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⚫ To explain the concept of event-driven programming (§12.2). ⚫ To understand event, event source, and event classes (§12.2). ⚫ To declare listener classes and write the code to handle events (§11.3). ⚫ To register listener objects in the source object (§11.3). ⚫ To understand how an event is handled (§11.3). ⚫ To write programs to deal with ActionEvent (§11.3). ⚫ To write programs to deal with MouseEvent (§11.4). ⚫ To write programs to deal with KeyEvent (§11.5). ⚫ To use the Timer class to control animations (§11.6 Optional)
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To discover file properties, delete and rename files using the File class (§16.2). To understand how I/O is processed in Java (§16.3). To distinguish between text I/O and binary I/O (§16.3). To read and write characters using FileReader and FileWriter (§16.4). To improve the performance of text I/O using BufferedReader and BufferedWriter (§16.4). To write primitive values, strings, and objects as text using PrintWriter and PrintStream(§16.4). To read and write bytes using FileInputStreamand FileOutputStream (§16.6). To read and write primitive values and strings using DataInputStream/DataOutputStream(§16.6). To store and restore objects using ObjectOutputStreamand ObjectInputStream, and to understand how objects are serialized and what kind of objects can be serialized (§16.9 Optional). To use the Serializable interface to enable objects to be serializable (§16.9 Optional). To use RandomAccessFile for both read and write. (§16.10 Optional)
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⚫ To use the String class to process fixed strings (§7.2). ⚫ To use the Character class to process a single character (§7.3). ⚫ To use the StringBuffer class to process flexible strings (§7.4). ⚫ To use the StringTokenizer class to extract tokens from a string (§7.5). ⚫ To know the differences among the String, StringBuffer, and StringTokenizer classes (§7.2-7.5). ⚫ To use the JDK 1.5 Scanner class for console input and scan tokens using words as delimiters (§7.6). ⚫ To input primitive values and strings from the keyboard using the Scanner class (§7.7). ⚫ To learn how to pass strings to the main method from the command line (§7.8)
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To develop a subclass from a superclass through inheritance (§8.2). To invoke the superclass’s constructors and methods using the super keyword (§8.3). To override methods in the subclass (§8.4). To explore the useful methods (equals(Object), hashCode(), toString(), finalize(), clone(), and getClass()) in the Object class (§8.5, §8.11 Optional). To comprehend polymorphism, dynamic binding, and generic programming (§8.6). To describe casting and explain why explicit downcasting is necessary (§8.7). To understand the effect of hiding data fields and static methods (§8.8 Optional). To restrict access to data and methods using the protected visibility modifier (§8.9). To declare constants, unmodifiable methods, and nonextendable class using the final modifier (§8.10). To initialize data using initialization blocks and distinguish between instance initialization and static initialization blocks (§8.12 Optioanl)
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⚫ To describe why an array is necessary in programming (§5.1). ⚫ To learn the steps involved in using arrays: declaring array reference variables and creating arrays (§5.2). ⚫ To initialize the values in an array (§5.2). ⚫ To simplify programming using JDK 1.5 enhanced for loop (§5.2). ⚫ To copy contents from one array to another (§5.3). ⚫ To develop and invoke methods with array arguments and ruturn type (§5.4-5.5). ⚫ To sort an array using the selection sort algorithm (§5.6). ⚫ To search elements using the linear or binary search algorithm (§5.7). ⚫ To declare and create multidimensional arrays (§5.8). ⚫ To declare and create multidimensional arrays (§5.9 Optional)
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:581.5KB 文档页数:95
• To understand the flow of control in selection and loop statements (§3.2-3.7). • To use Boolean expressions to control selection statements and loop statements (§3.2-3.7). • To implement selection control using if and nested if statements (§3.2). • To implement selection control using switch statements (§3.2). • To write expressions using the conditional operator (§3.2). • To use while, do-while, and for loop statements to control the repetition of statements (§3.4). • To write nested loops (§3.4). • To know the similarities and differences of three types of loops (§3.5). • To implement program control with break and continue (§3.6)
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