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分娩後異常出血 postpartum-hemorrhage 定義: 胎児娩出加24時間後ま0出血 量力500m左超元時分娩後0異常 出血 頻度:全分娩02%3% 国飞妊産婦死亡原因0首位
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Definition gestational trophoblastic disease(GTD)is a group of disease originated from placental villose trophoblastic cells, including hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, choriocarci- noma and a kind of less common trophoblastic cell tumor in placenta
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Complaint: Menstrual pain for 3 years Present history e Three years ago, she started to feel pain in lower abdomen and lumbosacral (# BLE )area during menstruation. The a pain has been worsening progressively. In addition,she has heavy men
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Case patient xxx, female, 35 years old Symptom: amenorrhea for47days; spot vaginal bleeding for days; sudden abdominal pain for 2 hours. Signs: Bp 12/8Kpa, P 120 times/min, abdominal tenderness and rebound tenderness(+); sharp pain on motion of the cervix
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Definition Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB): Abnormal uterine bleeding with no demonstrable organic causes. A diagnosis of exclusion
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◼ Abortion is termination of pregnancy before 28 weeks of gestation and the fetal weight is less tan 1000g. ◼ Abortion : spontaneous: 10%~18% artificial ◼ The early abortion: occurs before 12w ◼ The late abortion: occurs after 12w
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1982年沈阳药学院药学系毕业,1984年获中国医科大学硕士学位, 1990年获北卡罗来那大学博土学位。1991-1995年在北卡罗来纳大学 和拜耳集团制药部从事博士后研究工作。1995年起任上海医科大学教 授,现为教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授、复旦大学药理研究中心 主任、巛 Molecular pain》等国内外刊物编委。 回国后在《Ce1l》等SCI刊物发表论文50余篇,研究结果揭示了 蛋白激酶在药物耐受成瘾中的关键作用和调节阿片类药物作用的新机 制,发现G蛋白偶联受体调控基因表达的表观遗传学新途径
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心血管系统 第一节总论 第二节心 二、心的位置和外形 心腔 三、心的构造 四、心传导系 五、心包
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