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Normal labour 3 elements: expulsive force birth canal fetus
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You should rember! It is axiomatic that when a choice must be made, maternal considerations take perference over those of the fetus
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Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN)
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Pelvic contraction Birth canal bony canal soft canal abnormal bony canal: pelvic contraction -any contraction of the pelvic diameters that diminishes the capacity of the pelvis can creat dystocia during labor
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INTRODUCTION Endometrial cancer is one of the three main malignant tumors, usually occurs between 58~61 years old. Accounts for about 7% of female malignant tumors, and 20%~30% of female malignant tumors in reproductive system
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Learning obiectives 1. Mechanism and clinical application of each contraceptive method 2. Artificial abortion surgery indications. contra-indications treatment of complications 3. Sterilization surgery indications contra-indications prevention of complications
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女性性器解剖ヒ組織 anatomy of the reproductive system (1)骨盤(pelvis) (2)女性性器 外性器(external genital organs) 内性器(internal genital organs)
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1 女 性 の 生 涯 2 月 経 現 象 3 性 周 期 と 卵 巣 の 形 態 学 的 変 化 4 子 宫の周 期 的 変 化 と 卵 巣 ホ ル モ ンと の 関 係 5 性 周 期 と 各 種 ホ ル モ ン と の 関 係
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1。受精及び受精卵発育、輸 送と着床 fertilization and the development ,transportation of the fertilized ovum and implantation 2。胎児及 び附属物の形成、機 能 formation and function of the fetus appendages 3。妊娠期母体の変化 matermal physiologic changes during pergnancy 4。胎児発育及び胎 児生理 development and physiology of the fetus
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