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(一)名词解释 1.兼性离子(zwitterion); 2.等电点(isoelectric point,pI); 3.构象 (conformation); 4.别构效应(allosteric effect); 5.超二级结构(super-secondary
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(一)名词解释 1.凝集素(lectin); 2.差向异构体(epimer);3.必需脂肪酸(essential fatty acid);4.自由基 (free radical)
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Molecular Biology of the Gene,5/e--- Watson et al.(2004) Part: Chemistry and Genetics Part ll: Maintenance of the Genome Part Ill: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
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一、PCR的基本原理 PCR的基本原理 变性、复性、半保留复制 PCR三步曲
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一、 DNA水平的调控 二、 转录水平的调控(transcriptional regulation) 三、转录后水平的调控(post transcriptionalregulation) 四、翻译水平的调控(translational regulation) 五、 翻译后水平的调控(protein maturation)
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一、概述(Introduction) 二、中心法则( the central dogma):
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1 Virus genome 2 Prokaryote Genome 3 Eukaryote Genome
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1.Definitions: topoisomerase, ribozyme, double helix, DNA denaturation, Tm, linking number, pseudoknot. 2.What are the structural differences between DNA and RNA? How the structural properties of DNA and RNA determine their distinct biological functions
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华南师范大学:《医学分子生物学》第七章 信号转导(signal transduction)(董彩虹)
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