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▪ 太阳系的构成 ▪ 类地行星 ▪ 类木行星 ▪ 矮行星 ▪ 小天体 ▪ 开珀带与奥尔特云
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北京大学:《太空探索》精品课程教学资源(PPT课件)第二章 地球空间(大气层与电离层)
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极光是怎样产生的? 辐射带是怎样形成的? 什么是磁暴?
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我们知道,地球本身就是一个巨大的磁铁。而地 球上的一切生物,都是在地磁场的影响下繁衍生 存。然而地磁场是极不稳定的,它除了受四季变 化的影响之外,还要受太阳黑子爆发时的巨大影 响。很多年前,科学家就已知道太阳的活动会影 响地球,每当磁爆发生时,太阳风就会携带着大 量的带电质子和高能粒子,并以每秒400 至800 公里的速度闯入太空、袭击地球。此时,地球磁 场就会发生变化并影响人类身体健康
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The Potential New Rx “Spin in the Gym” “Prescribed AG Dosage” “AG Sleeper
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Human Visual Orientation in Weightlessness Charles M. Oman Man Vehicle Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 Abstract: An astronaut's sense of self-orientation is relatively labile, since the gravitational “down” cues provided by gravity are absent and visual cues to orientation are often ambiguous, and familiar objects can be difficult to recognize when viewed from an unfamiliar aspect. This chapter
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orientation of the vehicle is described in engineering t gular and linear position, velocity, acceleration, and often other factors. Engineers are tly confronted with
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“One should beware of mathematicians and all who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell” St Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, circa 400 A.D “To move things is all that Mankind can do…For such the
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Muscles Active while Lengthening Consider the example of ordinary exercise, lets say one of the running events in the Olympics. Muscle functions to stop the motion of the athlete as often as it does to start it. When a load larger than isometric tetanus tension To is applied to a muscle in a tetanic state of activation, the muscle lengthens at a constant
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1. In shortening, the relationship between the Force and Velocity is (Hill's Curve - know this!!): (T+a)(v+b) = (T0+a)b Hyperbolic Form
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