Motivation: Why artificial gravity? Current countermeasures are not sufficient to prevent the detrimental physiological effects of long-duration space flight
Motivation: Why Artificial Gravity? Current countermeasures are not sufficient to prevent the detri ment al physiological effects of longdurati on s pace fli ght
Types of Artificial Gravity VON BRAUNS SPACE STATION 1952
Types of Artificial Gravity http://per m/sp-etsta. html
The potential New r Intermittent Short-Radius Centrifugation ·“ Spin in the gym ·“ Prescribed AG Dosage AG Sleeper
The Potential New Rx • “Spin in the Gym” • “Prescribed AG Dosage” • “AG Sleeper
Intermittent short- radius Centrifugation √Cost: effective √S pace-efficient Relatively easy to implement Y Fits within ISS/Spacehab
Intermittent Short-Radius Centrifugation � Cost-effective � Space-efficient � Relatively easy to implement � Fits w ithin ISS/Spacehab
Intermittent Short-Radius Centrifugation Out-of-plane head movements during rotation produce sensory conflict vestibular ys, visual and kinesthetic -Inappropriate non-compensatory nystagmus Motion sickness illusory tilt sensations postural instability
Intermittent Short-Radius Centrifugation Out-of-plane head movements d uring rotation produce sensory conflict vestibular vs. visual and kinesthetic –Inappropriate non-compensatory nystagmus –Motion sickness –Illusory tilt sensations –Postural instability
Artificial Gravity Level Tradeoff 25 Diamandis 20 15 MIT 0, 02779 Kramer Byers critzer Von Braun Ehricke 8-man 0510152025303540455055 Radius( in m)
Artificial Gravity Level Tradeoff 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Radius (in m) 4- m an Ehricke 8- m an Von Braun PG Kram er & B y ers 1.0g 0.277g Schnit zer MIT Diamandis
Major Features of rotating Environment Artificial Gravity Level Centripetal Accel. 2 Coriolis forces 2m(@xv Gravity gradients h/r ross-coupled Angular accelerations OSRC X aHead
Major Features of Rotating Environment Artificial Gravity Level (Centripetal Accel.) r ω2 Coriolis Forces -2 m (ωx v) Gravity Gradien ts h/r Cross-coupled Angul ar Accelerati ons ωSRC x ωHead
Schematic of mvl short-Radius centrifuge wireless heart ate monitor foot plate 1.9 counterweight pitch dial belt moor reducer -slip ring tachometer MmMMMmmmMMMMMMMMMMMmMMMMMMMMMMIMIMIMA eye data 010251time T T VCR VCR for camera
Schematic of MVL Short-Radius Centrifuge motor lights ta c h o meter r educer counterweight pitch dial belt slip ring 1.9 m head r est ca m era foot plate eye data 0:10:25 ti m e r controller TV TV for camera VCR VCR wireless heart rat e m o nitor
MIT Short-Radius Centrifuge 2 meter radius platform Variable rotation rate 100 gravity gradient along longitudinal body axis
MIT Short-Radius Centrifuge • 2 meter radius platform • Variable rotation rate • 100 % gravity gradient along lon gitudinal b ody axis