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Section 1 Soil three phases Constitution Soil density and bulk density (- Soil density (or Particle density Soil density is the density of the solid soil particles only; the measurement does not include water weight or pore(air)space. The dominant soil minerals- quartz, feldspars, micas, and clay minerals
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设混合气体由1,2,k种气体组成 m=m1+m2+m3+…+m;+…+m=>m i=1 第i种组元气体的质量成分:
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Thermophysical properties of meat In chilling, freezing, thawing and tempering processes heat has either to be introduced or to be extracted from the meat to change its temperature The rate at which heat can be removed or introduced into the surface of meat is essentially a function of the process being used, for example air blast, plate, immersion, and so on. However, the rate at which heat can flow from within the meat to its surface is a function of the thermophysical prop- erties of the meat. If we continue to
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leat for industrial processing is usually frozen in the form of carcasses, quarters or boned out primals in 25 kg cartons. Most bulk meat, consumer portions and meat products are frozen in air blast freezers. Some small ind viduals items, for example beefburgers, may be frozen in cryogenic tunnels and a small amount of offal and other meat is frozen in plate freezers. It is not unusual for meat to be frozen twice before it reaches the consumer During industrial processing frozen raw material is often thawed or tem-
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Meat: Color Myoglobin meat heme-pigment color Purplish-red Hemoglobin blood pigment Oxymyoglobin air combines with meat Bright in its oxidized form Metmyoglobin major discoloration Ferrous to ferric state High temperatures, microorganisms and light speed the reaction
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1. D: Interpretation of Entropy on the Microscopic Scale- The Connection between Randomness and entropy 1. D I Entropy Change in Mixing of Two ldeal gases Consider an insulated rigid container of gas separated into two halves by a heat conducting partition so the temperature of the gas in each part is the same. One side contains air, the other side another gas, say argon, both regarded as ideal gases. The mass of gas in each side is such
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4.1 General introduction to ocean physics 4.2 Ocean current 4.3 Air-sea interaction 4.4 Climatic influence 4.5 Thermohaline circulation
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(一)名词的固定搭配 介词+名词形式 第一组 by accident偶然 on account of因为,由于 in addition另外 in addition to除之外(包括 in the air在流行中,在传播中 onthe/an)average平均,一般来说 on the basis of根据,在的基础上 at(the)best充其量,至多
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IMPORTANCE OF ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY Climate Change Stratospheric ozone ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY Regional air pollution Acid Deposition
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第一章农田水分状况和土壤水分运动 1、农田水分状况(重点) 2、土壤水分运动(非重点) 3、土壤一作物一大气连续体(Soil-Plant--Air continue system)水分运动(了解)
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