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目前在美国、加拿大及欧洲,几乎所有大学都 开设有项目管理课程;项目管理不仅是一个研究方 向、一门学科,已经成为一种专业、一个社会职业 (pM: Project Management Professional,项目管 理专业人员资格),现在已经成为美国的一个优选职 业,美国著名杂志“财富”预测,项目经理、项目 管理师、项目管理人员等将成为21世纪年轻人首选 的职业。 目前,在政府、军界、工商界、工程建设、金 融、法律、化工以及其它许多领域,项目管理都在 广泛地被应用,这些作法使项目管理成为当今管理 的理论界和各个应用领域中的流行时尚
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PDM技术最早出现在80年代初期,目的是为了解决大量工程图纸、技术文档 以及CAD文件的计算机化管理问题,然后逐渐扩展到产品开发过程中的三个主要 领域:设计图纸和电子文档的管理,材料明细表(BOM)及与工程文档的集成管 理,工程变更管理。由于早期软件功能比较单一,各自解决问题的侧重点也不完全 相同,所以有不同叫法,如文档管理( document management)、工程数据管理 engineering data management)等
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earning objectives Understand the importance of project quality management and the role of the project manager in assuring quality Define quality and how it relates to various aspects of information technology projects
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Fundamentals and vocabulary I Scope This International Standard describes fundamentals of quality management systems, which form the subject of the iso 9000 family, and defines related terms
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IT Project Management Introduction In a study published by IEEE, the engineering vice presidents of three major technology companies were asked the most important contributor to a successful software project. The answered in the following way:
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Strategic Management Journal, Vol 18, Summer 1997 Special Issue: Organizational and Competitive Interactions (Jul, 1997).15-30 Stable url: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0143-2095%028199707902918%3c15%03ahmdimr%3e2.0.co%03b2-f trategic Management Journal is currently published by John Wiley Sons Your use of the jStOR archive indicates your
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trategic Management Journal is currently published by John Wiley Sons Your use of the jStOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR,'s Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.htmlJstOr'sTermsandConditionsofUseprovidesinpartthatunlessyou have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles
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Strategic Management Journal is currently published by John wiley sons Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.htmlJstOr'sTermsandConditionsofUseprovidesinpartthatunlessyou have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles
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development of forests A s forests are complex ecosystems requiring which the unique role of forests is recognized, balanced and sustainable management, one partnerships between and among countries from of the main challenges today is to reconcile the the north and the South are the basis on which often conflicting priorities of those who depend on Joint Implementation and the Clean Development them for a whole range of goods and services. It is Mechanism are built
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◼ Field Work ◼ Reading A ◼ Reading B ◼ Simulated Writing ◼ Listening ◼ Speaking ◼ Presentation
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