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Check n. A written order to a bank to pay the amount specified from funds on deposit;, a draft. 支票给银行从存款中支付具体款项的书面支票;汇票 Issue v.tr. To circulate or distribute in an official capacity:
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2.1 The Microbiological Laboratories Isolation of organisms for new products normally does not occur in laboratories associated with production cultures, however, production (mi￾crobiological) laboratories frequently do mutation and isolation work to produce strains with higher yields, to suppress a by-product, to reduce the formation of a surfactant, to change the physical properties of the broth to facilitate the product recovery
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The States Parties to this Protocol, Declaring that effective action to prevent and combat trafficking in persons, especially women and children, requires a comprehensive international approach in the countries of origin, transit and destination that includes measures to prevent such trafficking to punish the traffickers and to protect the victims of such trafficking, including by protecting their internationally recognized human rights
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 1.To understand the importance of clauses of quality, quantity, packing and price in a sales contract  2.To learn the methods of expressing the quality of goods in a sales contract  3.To learn different weight calculation methods  4.To learn the marks on transport packing  5.To understand cost accounting methods in export
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Suppose we want to move a satellite in a circular orbit to a position ∆ϑ apart in the same orbit, in a time ∆t (assumed to be several orbital times at least). The general approach is to transfer to a lower (for positive ∆ϑ ) or higher (for ∆ϑ < 0 ) nearby
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Cloning vectors: 克隆载体 to clone a gene in a vector Expression vectors: 表达载体 to express a gene from a vector Integration vectors: 整合载体 to integrate a gene in a genome through a vector Cloning vectors 1 Plasmid vecters 2 Bacteriophage vectors 3 Cosmids & BACs 4 Eukaryotic vectors Cloning vectors: allowing the exogenous DNA to be inserted, stored, and manipulated mainly at DNA level. expression vectors: allowing the exogenous DNA to be inserted, stored, and expressed
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UN/T 3 TEXT A PRE-READING QUESTIONS 1.Can you tell us something about Stevie Wonder according to our text? 2.What does the title mean? 3. What do you think of his accomplishment? ANSWER TO QUESTION (1) ? pop star/ born blind/ black/ poor family/ love music ? learn to play instruments very quickly/has been recording artist since the age of ten ? being an adult,encounter serious car accident/fight back from the shadow of death begin to pay more attention to the world outside/bring sunshine
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Need to study structural mechanics to design properly to prevent failure There is no doubt that any of the disciplines of Aeronautics and Astronautics can contribute to an accident -engine failure -etc. But, the vast majority of non-human induced accidents is due to structural
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Teaching Objectives: Students(Ss)will be able to: get acquainted with a new way of communication-showing deep caring to others. understand the favorable effect of deep caring and learn how to extend a helping hand to people in difficulties
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Fuzzy control does not exist as an isolated topic devoid of relationships to other fields, and it is important to understand how it relates to these other fields in order to strengthen your understanding of it. We have emphasized that fuzzy control has its foundations in conventional control and that there are many relationships to techniques, ideas, and methodologi there. Fuzzy control is also an\intelligent control\technique
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