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I. Introduction II. Atmospheric pollution III. Waterborne pollution IV. organic poisons, inhibitors and contaminants V. Particulate pollution
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History of Agricultural Development Food Gathering Domestication of Crops Organic Farming Transgenic Farming since Green Revolution) High inputs of energy subsidies including fertilizers, pesticides, fossil fuels, mechanization, irrigation advanced technology High outputs at the expense of environmental integrity Contamination of ground water surface water by agrochemicals sediments Hazards to human and animal health(e.g. residual effect of methamidophos in vegetables, Agent orange in Vietnam, cross-Atlantic DDT contamination Loss of genetic diversity in plants and animals
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有机化学(organic chemistry)是研究有机化合物的来源、制备、结构、性能、应用以 及有关理论和方法学的科学,是化学学科的一个分支,它的研究对象是有机化合物。 什么是有机化合物呢?早期化学家将所有物质按其来源分为两类,人们把从生物体 (植物或动物)中获得的物质定义为有机化合物,无机化合物则被认为是从非生物或矿 物中得到的
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1.分析范围广(气体、液体、固体) 2.测定分子量,确定分子式 3.分析速度快,灵敏度高 4.各种联用技术 5.新的电离、检测技术 5.1 基本知识 5.2 电离过程 5.3 质量分析器 5.4 亚稳离子及其检测
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ou have already had considerable experience with carbanionic compounds and rgani their applications in synthetic organic chemistry. The first was acetylide ion in Chapter 9, followed in Chapter 14 by organometallic compounds-Grignard reagents, for example-that act as sources of negatively polarized carbon. In Chapter 18 you learned that enolate ions-reactive
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the preceding chapter you learned that nucleophilic addition to the carbonyl group is one of the fundamental reaction types of organic chemistry. In addition to its own reactivity, a carbonyl group can affect the chemical properties of aldehydes and ketones in other ways. Aldehydes and ketones are in equilibrium with their enol isomers
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REVIEWS The Art and Science of Total Synthesis at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century** K. C. Nicolaou, Dionisios Vourloumis, Nicolas Winssinger, and Phil S. Baran Dedicated to Professor E. J. Corey for his outstanding contributions to organic synthesis At the dawn of the twenty-first cen-of the most exciting and important covery and invention of new synthetic tury, the state of the art and science of discoveries of the twentieth century in strategies and technologies; and explo- vnth
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1.了解有机化学的含义,掌握有机化学的特性 2.掌握有机化合物的结构及共价键理论的基本内容 3.掌握有机化合物的物理性质和分子结构的关系
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The activated-sludge process is now used routinely for biological treatment of municipal and industrial wastewaters. The antecedents of the activated-sludge process date back to the early 1880s to the work of Dr. Angus Smith, who investigated the aeration of wastewater in tanks and the hastening of the oxidation of the organic matter
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