STRIKE - The direction of the line formed by the intersection of a horizontal plane with a bedding or fault plane. DIP - The angle formed by the intersection of a bedding or fault plane and the horizontal plane. The angle is measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the strike
1. Have you or your friend ever been cheated by a manufacturer? Describe your experience to your partner. Reference: Yes. Last year I planned to buy a computer so I could surf the net. I want to find a cheap one that's attractive and eas sy to use. I found
Valence & Hybridization The number of atoms which are typically bonded to a given atom is termed the valence of that atom. Thus, in the examples shown below, hydrogen would have a valence of one, oxygen would have a valence of two, nitrogen and boron would have a valence of three
Security Attack: Any action that compromises the security of information. Security Mechanism: A mechanism that is designed to detect, prevent, or recover from a security attack. Security Service: A service that enhances the security of data processing systems and information transfers. A security service makes use of one or more security mechanisms
Interactive Complexity Complexity is a moving target The underlying factor is intellectual manageability 1. A simple\system has a small number of unknowns in its interactions within the system and with its environment 2. A system is intellectually unmanageable when the level of interactions reaches the point where they cannot be thoroughly
I At about this point, a feeling of loneliness may begin to overtake us__ an \epistemic loneliness.\ For the egocentric predicament is really an epistcmologica1 condition: isolation within a world of our own making. We live in a shell, so to speak, a private, personal shell inside which takes place an immense variety of experiences