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1.如何理解电子分布函数f(E)的物理意义是:能量为E的一个量子态被电子所占据的平均 几率? [解答] 金属中的价电子遵从费密-狄拉克统计分布,温度为T时,分布在能级E上的电子数目 n二 e(E-Ep)/kg g为简并度,即能级E包含的量子态数目.显然,电子分布函数 f(e (E-EF)/kg!+1 是温度7时,能级E的一个量子态上平均分布的电子数.因为一个量子态最多由一个电子所 据,所以f(E)的物理意义又可表述为:能量为E的一个量子态被电子所占据的平均几
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双变量计量资料:每个个体有两个变量值 总体:无限或有限对变量值 样本:从总体随机抽取的n对变量值 (,Y1),(2,Y2),(XnYn) 目的:研究和Y的数量关系 方法:回归与相关 简单、基本直线回归、直线相关
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Lecture 4 Introduction to Spline Curves 4.1 Introduction to parametric spline curves Parametric formulation =r(u),y=y(u), z=2(u) or R=R(u)(vector notation) Usually applications need a finite range for u(e.g. 0
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Lecture 3 Differential geometry of surfaces 3.1 Definition of surfaces Implicit surfaces F(r,,a)=0 Example: 22+6+2=1 Ellipsoid, see Figure 3.1 Figure 3.1: Ellipsoid · Explicit surfaces If the implicit equation F(, y, a)=0 can be solved for one of the variables as a function
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Lecture 9 Blending Surfaces 9.1 Examples and motivation Blending surfaces, providing a smooth connection between various primary or functional sur- faces, are very common in CAD. Examples include blending surfaces between Fuselage and wings of airplanes Propeller or turbine blade and hub Bulbous bow and ship hull Primary faces of solid models
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Constructive Solid Geometry(CSG) 14.2 Primitives of CSG 14.3 Boolean operators 14.3.1 Regularized Boolean operators 14.4 Set membership classification 14.5 Properties of CSG
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Cambridge MA 02139-4307 USA Copyright 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Contents 8 Fitting, Fairing and Generalized Cylinders 8. 1 Least Squares Method of Curve Fitting 8.2 Fairing of Curves and Surfaces 8.2.1 Properties and Definition
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19.2 Exhaustive enumeration 19.2.1 Definition and construction methods 19. 2.2 Applications 19.2.3 Properties of exhaustive enumeration methods 19.3 Space subdivision 19.3.1 Motivation and definitions 2233356677 19.3.2 Construction of octrees 19.3.3 Algorithms for octrees 19.3.4 Properties of octrees 19.3.5 Binary space subdivision
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9.2双组分溶液的气、液相平衡 9.2.1理想物系的气液想平衡 (1)气液两相平衡共存时的自由度 F=N-+2=2-2+2=2 自由度2个,在t、p、y、x4个变量中,任意确定其中的两个变量,则物系的状态被唯一确定, 余下的参数已不能任意选择。一般精馏在恒压下操作(p一定),物系只剩下1个自由度。如指定温度t ,则气液组成y、x均为t的函数被确定。后面讨论t-x(或y),或x-y的函数关系
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本章讨论的问题:1为什么采用半导体材料制作电子器件?2空穴是种裁流子吗?空穴 导电时电子运动吗?3什么是N型半导体?什么是P型半导体?当二种半导体制作在一起时会 产生什么现象?4PN结上所加端电压与电流符合欧姆定律吗?它为什么具有单向性?在PN结 中另反向电压时真的没有电流吗?
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