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第一节 经理国库业务概述 第二节 预算收入的收纳核算 第三节 库款报解和支拨的核算 第四节 国库券的发行与兑付
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在保证产品质量和功能的前提下,通过 改进产品设计结构,可以大大降低产品成本。 据国内外有关资料显示,通过改进产品设计 结构所降低的成本数额,占事前成本决策取 得成本降低额的70%~8 0%。 可见,大力推广功能成本决策,不仅可以 保证产品必要的功能及质量,而且可以确定 努力实现的目标成本,从而降低产品成本
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本-量-利分析的基本假设是 本-量-利分析的基础,但它实际 上是在一定程度上为简化研究而提 出来的,实践中往往很难完全满足 这些基本假设
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Lesson7 Merchandise Inventories and Cost ofSales Exercise Calculation and Analyzing Problems 1. The perpetual inventory records of LIBY HOUSEHOLD show 150 units of a particular producton hand, acquired at the following dates and costs: Purchase Date Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost
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1. What are the possible decisions that can be made with the use of financial analysis? Answer: Share investment decisions. This includes whether to invest in shares and the type of share (common, preferred). Lending decisions. This includes whether to purchase retractable preferred shares, issue mortgages, buy corporate bonds on the open market, operating line of credit
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Lesson 6 Accounting for Merchandising Activities Exercise Calculation and Analysis Problems 1. OSu Co. is an office-supply store. The company uses a perpetual inventory system, records purchases at net cost, and records sales revenue at full invoice price. Record the following transactions in the company's general journal
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Lesson 3 Analyzing and Recording Accounting Transactions Exercises 1. Identify the effects, if any, of each of the following items of information on assets, liabilities, owners'equity, revenues, or expenses. Indicate effects with a plus or minus sign. If no adjustment is needed, write\no entry\. a. Earned $9,200 by providing services to customers in exchange for cash. b. Used cash to prepay 12 months of office rent, $2,400
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1. 定义财务资产,解释其资产负债表计价原则。 2. 解释现金管理的目标。 3. 简述进行内部现金管理所采取的方法。 4. 编制银行对账单并解释其作用。 5. 解释如何用备抵法和直接转销法处理坏账。 6. 解释不同财务资产的流动性
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1. 在存货永续盘存制下,分别用: ( 1 )个别认定法; ( 2 )平均成本法; ( 3 ) 先进先出法( F I F O );( 4 )后进先出法( L I F O )确定销售成本,并讨论以上 每种方法的优缺点
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Task Team of FUNdaMENTAL aCCOUNtIng School of Business. Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 2 Economic Transactions and Accounting equation Exercises 1. Lion Company had a net cash inflow of $80,000 from operating activities. It spent $40,000 on investing activities. Lion Company received $50,000 in cash from issuing stock. Calculate the ease or decrease in cash
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