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Overview of Beverage industry and Nonalcohol business trend in the world Overview of Beverage industry and Non￾alcohol business trend in the China Introduction of Master Kong Competitors Master Kong’s Business model Brand and product What are the values Master Kong created for consumers? What makes Master Kong’s consumer happy and loyal Consumer market SWOT analysis Challenges in China Next Step in China
文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:37.75MB 文档页数:24
I. Company overview and main business activities II. International mobile phone market and smart phone industry III. Samsung brand development and positioning internationally IV. Mobile phone market in China V. Samsung in China VI. Samsung marketing and branding strategies in China VII. Samsung’s competitors in the Chinese market VIII. SWOT Analysis IX. Conclusion and Suggestions
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• Company overview and main business in the world • Walmart business model analysis • Walmart in China • How Walmart understand Chinese market & consumers? • Situation and competitors anaylsis (local and international) • Major problems facing Walmart • What’s the next step for Walmart?
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❖ H&M Story and Overview ❖ Fast Fashion Market ❖ H&M Main Business Activites ❖ H&M Business Model ❖ H&M market segments and targets ❖ Competitor Analysis ❖ SWOT Analysis ❖ Challenges faced by H&M ❖ H&M Marketing Strategies ❖ H&M Future Development
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1. Overview •Company Overview •Main Business •Internet market in the world and China •Chinese internet users behavior 2. Business Model of Baidu 3. Marketing Strategies of Baidu 4. Competitors Analysis and SWOT Analysis 5. Major Problems of Baidu 6. Future of Baidu 7. Conclusion
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Needs -通常是指对人类基本生存条件的满足期望 . i.e.比如人们需要食物、衣着、蔽护所、安全等。 Wants -指满足具体效用的期望. i.e.比如可口可乐、汉堡包、皮鞋、到欧洲旅游等。 . Demands -指满足具有购买能力和购买欲望的现实和潜 在的愿望 . i.e.花费两个月的工资去买一件时装,动用多年 的储蓄购买一套住房等
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第一节 影响企业定价的因素 第二节 定价目标 第三节 定价程序与定价方法 第四节 定价策略 第五节 价格变动反应及价格调整
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(一)调查方案的主要内容 1、确定调查目的 2、确定调查的对象和调查单位调查对象是指依据调查的任务和目的,确定本次调查的范围及需要调查的那些现象的总体
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以麦当劳例,人们不会仅仅因为喜欢汉堡包而涌向全世 界11,000个麦当劳快餐店。其他一些餐馆制作的汉堡包味道 也许更好。人们是冲着某个系统而来,并不仅仅是汉堡包。 这是一个有效运转的系统,该系统向全世界传送一个高标准, 即麦 当劳公司 所谓的 QSCV—— 质量( Quality )、服 务 (Service)、清洁(Cleanliness)和价值(Value)。麦当劳 公司的有效就在于它和它的供应商、特许经营店业主、雇员 以及其他有关人员共同向顾客提供了他们所期望的高价值
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一、 对产品或服务如何定价? 二、 如何随着时间和空间的推移修订产品的价格? 三、 怎样发起价格变动和怎样对竞争者价格变动作出反应?
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