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1. Learn/master new words and expressions, and be able to use them in actual situations 2. Grasp the main idea of the text and be able to answer the related questions 3. Develop the students' ability of listening and speaking 4. Cultivate proper habits in reading and writing
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11-1 Classifications of Magnetic Media Magnetic Permeability磁介质的分类磁导率 11-2 Molecular Theory of Paramagnetism& Diamagnetism顺磁质和抗磁质磁化的分子理论 11-3 Ampere's Law in the magnetic matter and magnetic intensity H磁介质中的安培环路定理和磁场强度H 11-4 Ferromagnetism铁磁质
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Two different points of view in analyzing problems in mechanics The Eulerian view(欧拉观点) and the Lagrangian view(拉格朗日观点) Flow classification Streamline(流线)Pathline(迹线)& Flowfield (流场)流线方程计算流谱 Surface force(表面力) and body force(质量力,体积力)
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When is a flow compressible? compressible flow differs from an incompressible one in that significant change happens in the density
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The State of the HK Economy The Hong Kong economy staged a sharp rebound over the course of 1999, recovering robustly from the severe setback brought about by the earlier Asian financial turmoil. The recovery was strongly export-led. In consequence, there was a marked increase in the combined visible invisible trade surplus over the year
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Later in the course we shall review various methods of designing frequency-selective filters satisfying prescribed specifications · We now describe several loworder- FIR and IIR digital filters with reasonable selective frequency responses that often are satisfactory in a number of applications Copyright 2001, S. K. Mitra
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Chapter 5 Macromolecules and Molecular Genetics The key informational macromolecules in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are DNA, RNA, and protein. Molecular Genetics deals with the mechanisms by which the information in DNA is replicated, and by which it can be transcribed into rNa and translated into specific proteins
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Water is essential to life Our health depends on the quality and safety of water Water pollution and poor water resources are the big problem in China There are 700 million people in China, whose drinking water is not safe
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一.填空题: 1.设(x)=dt(x)= 2. In x In xdx (、>、=) 3.b (x)+(x) dx+(x)+ S(x)=
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asic life support(BLS)includes recognition of signs of means that in the first minutes after collapse the victims sudden cardiac arrest(SCA), heart attack, stroke, and chance of survival is in the hands of bystander foreign-body airway obstruction(FBAO); cardiopulmonary Shortening the EMS response interval increases survival resuscitation (CPR); and d
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