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Announcement \Chapter 8 Enzymes: Basic Concepts and Kinetics\ in Lubert Stryer's \Biochemistry\ (Fourth Edition) will be used as my major lecture material, which is available for you to Xerox from your TAs. Chapter 8 in Lehninger's“ Principles of Biochemistry can be used as a reference
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Much of the catalytic power of enzymes comes from their bringing sub- strates together in favorable orientations in enzyme-substrate (ES)com- plexes. The substrates are bound to a specific region of the enzyme called the active site. Most enzymes are highly selective in their binding
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ENZYMES ARE HIGHLY SPECIFIC Enzymes are highly specific both in the reaction catalyzed and in their choice of reactants, which are called substrales. An enzyme usually cata- lyzes a single chemical reaction or a set of closely related reactions. Side
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Chapter I power tools of the trade Vectors and Plotting More vectors, more plotting and new Matrices Building Exploratory Environments Errror Designing Functions
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Setting Up Matrix Problems Matrix Operations Once again, Setting up matrix Problems Recursive matrix Operations Distributed Memory Matrix Multiplication
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Basic concepts The Runge-Kutta Methods The Adams Methods
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The vandermonde Approach The Newton Approach Properties Special Topics
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Finding Roots Minimizing a function of one variable Minimizing multivariate functions Solving systems of nonlinear equations
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Least Squares Fitting The QR factorization The Cholesky Factorization High-Performance Cholesky
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