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Solid wastes comprise all the wastes arising from human and animal activities that are normally solid and that are discarded as useless or unwanted. The term solid waste as used in this text is all-inclusive, encompassing the heterogeneous mass of throwaways from the urban community as well as the more homogeneous accumulation of agricultural, industrial, and mineral wastes. This book is focused on the urban setting, where the accumulation of solid wastes is a direct consequence of life
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Contents Part I Wastewater Engineering 1 Wastewater Engineering: An Overview 2 Constituents in Wastewater 3 Analysis and Selection of Wastewater Flowrates and Constituent Loadings 4 Introduction to Process Analysis and Selection 5 Physical Unit Operation
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Objective 1、Definition、types and mechanism of osteoporosis 2、 Diagnosis、prevention and treatment of osteoporosis 3 、Etiology and Epidemiology of osteoporosis
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1.初步了解化学反应速率、速率方程、碰撞理论、过渡状态理论和活化能概念;2.理解并会用浓度、温度、催化剂诸因素解释其对化学反应速率的影响;3.初步掌握阿仑尼乌斯公式的应用,会用其求算活化能及某温度下的反应速率;4.理解反应分子数和反应级数的概念,会进行基元反应有关的简单计算;5.初步掌握零级、一级和二级反应的特征。 4.1 化学反应的平均速率和 瞬 时速率 Average rate and instantaneous rate of chemical reaction 4.3 影响化学反应速率的因素 Influential factors on chemical reaction rate 4.2 反应速率理论简介 Brief introductory to reaction rate theory 4.4 化学反应机理及其研究方法 Chemical reaction mechanism and the study methods
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1.了解化学变化过程中的热效应、恒容反应热和恒压反应热的概念与测定;会写热化学方程式; 2.初步了解焓的概念,知道焓变是化学反应自发过程的一种驱动力; 3.会进行有关热化学的一般计算; 4.初步了解熵、熵变和绝对熵的概念,知道熵变是化学反应的自发过程的另一种驱动力; 5.初步了解热力学第一、第二、第三定律的概念; 6.初步了解吉布斯自由能及吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程,初步学会用其判据化学反应的自发性; 7.掌握化学平衡状态及标准平衡常数概念,会进行简单的化学平衡移动判断及有关计算。 3.1 热化学和焓 Thermochemistry and enthalpy 3.2 熵和熵变—反应自发性的另一种判据 Entropy and entropy change — judgment for spontaneous reaction 3.3 自由能——反应自发性的最终判据 Free energy-the determined criterion for the spontaneous process 3.4 平衡状态和标准平衡常数Equilibrium and standard equilibrium constant
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1. History 1921.12. 16, Fritz Winkle observed the phenomena of fluidization and developed the gasifigator 1939. Warren Lewis and edwin gillil and discovered the technique of catalytic cracking with fast fluidization 1960s Douglass elliott began to use fluidized bed to produce steam
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Chapter 2 Basic Analytical Tools 1. General Equilibrium Analysis一般均衡法 1) GEA means analyzing two or more than two related markets at the same time(eg. Export Market and Import Market, Goods Market and Factor Market) 2) We usually use the PPF and CICas the basic tools in the general equilibrium analysis of international trade
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What is architecture? Logical and physical embodiment of a system Mechanism that Shapes the functional and physical boundaries of the system Governs the behavior and structure of the system
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The most important question to be addressed when designing a criminal justice information system is at whom is the information system aiming and who can and should be reached. When employing the Internet for such a criminal justice information is envisaged, it also has to be discussed which forms of crime should be combated by employing Internet technology. The analysis of who needs support, who can offer information, and
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7.认识分子间作用力和氢键的本质,会解释其对物质性质的影响。1.认识化学键的本质;2.掌握离子键的形成及其特点;3.掌握离子的特征,离子极化概念;4.掌握价键理论的内容;会用价键理论解释共价键的特征,会用价电子对互斥理论和杂化轨道理论解释简单的分子结构;5.初步认识分子轨道,掌握第二周期元素的分子轨道特点;6.理解金属键理论,特别是能带理论,会用能带理论解释固体分类; 2.1 化学键的定义 Definition of chemical bond 2.2 离子键理论 Ionic bond theory 2.3 共价键的概念与路易斯结构式 Concept of the covalent bond theory and Lewis’ structure formula 2.7 金属键理论Metallic bond theory 2.8 分子间作用力和氢键 Intermolecular forces and hydrogen bond 2.4 用以判断共价分子几何形状的价层电子对互斥理论 VSEPR for judging the configuration of the covalence molecular 2.5 原子轨道的重叠— 价键理论 Superposition of atomic orbital —valence bond theory 2.6 分子轨道理论Molecular orbital theory
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