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Preparation What do you think of college? Or what kind of college life did you expect to have before you cametere? What do you expect to learn at college, more book knowledge or more practical social experience? Do you think you will relax after entering the college or you will study ten harder than in high school?
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Unit 1 Book Three Unit One Section A The Expensive Fantasy of lord williams I Greetings I Review. 1. Key words section A: survival, sorrow, ancient, endure, channel, invade, surrender, historic, cast crash, commuter, suburb, resolution, exhaust, rescue, wreckage, decent section B: innocent, drift, mere, explode, expose, sector, layout, sway, uneasy, heal glimpse, flesh, heir
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1《护理解剖学》 2《中国古代文学史》 3《环境管理体系认证》 4《田径》 5《会计学》 6《大学英语》 7《人机工程学》 8《信号与系统》 9《当代教育学》 10《材料力学 B》 11《口腔组织病理学》 12《外科学》 13《无机化学 B》 14《建筑设备自动化》
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Unit 1 Talking About Learning English Unit 2 Greetings and Introductions Unit 3 Opening and Closing a Conversation Unit 4 Time and Appointment Unit 5 Making Telephone Unit 6 Going to a Party Unit 7 A Job Interview Unit 8 Gratitude And Thanks Unit 9 Apologies and Excuses Unit 10 Anger and Annoyance Unit 11 Compliments
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1. grasp the main idea( tolerance for solitude and energy made it possible for the writer s family to enjoy their pleasant but sometimes harsh country life.) 2. appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer comparison and contrast, topic sentences followed by detail sentences
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Test for New Integrated English Band I(1-A) Key to Test for New Integrated English Part I Listening comprehension Section A 1-5 BDABD 6-10 BCADO Section B 11-15 DDBDA Section C 16.I decided to test it 17. walked in the front door
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《大学英语 2》课程基本信息 《大学英语 2》教学进度计划表 第 一 周 Unit 1 Ways of Learning 预习课文 第 二 周 Unit 1 Ways of Learning Unit 2 Values 复述课文 听写 第 三 周 Unit 2 Values 作文 第 四 周 Unit 3 The Generation Gap 预习课文 第 五 周 Unit 3 The Generation Gap Unit 4 The Virtual World 复述课文 听写 第 六 周 Unit 4 The Virtual World 作文 讨论 第 七 周 Mid-Term Revision 预习课文 第 八 周 Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles 复述课文 听写 第 九 周 Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky 作文 第 十 周 Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky 预习课文 第 十 一 周 Unit 7 Learning about English 复述课文 翻译 第 十 二 周 Unit 7 Learning about English Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment 讨论 第 十 三 周 Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment 第 十 四 周 General Revision 第 十 五 周 General Revision
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This unit explores the generation gap between young people and their parents. After shing studying Section A, Ss should be able grasp the main idea(young people and their parents might think quite differently on the same thing and seem to ignore what is important in each other's worlds. This put them in separate worlds and creates the generation gap
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This unit is intended to present students the possibilities in the 21st century. After learning it the students should be able to obtain an insight into our life as well as our lifestyles get a good understanding of the trends for the 21st century
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This unit is intended to explore other ways of good communication (nonverbal communication) in addition to words, feelings and senses. After learning it, Ss are expected to have better understanding about how master as well as to pressent good communication signs in an Engllish culture, such as apperance, eye contact, gestures, movements, etc
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