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Using the Road Map Series for Successful Review . 1. Cell Physiology. I. Plasma Membrane II. Ion Channels III. Cell Signaling IV. Membrane Potential V. Structure of Skeletal Muscle VI. Neuromuscular and Synaptic Transmission VII. Smooth Muscle Clinical Problems Answers 2. Cardiovascular Physiology I. General Principles II. Hemodynamics III. Electrophysiology IV. Cardiac Muscle and Cardiac Output V. Cardiac Cycle with Pressures and ECG VI. Regulation of Arterial Pressure VII. Control Mechanisms and Special Circulations VIII. Integrative Function Clinical Problems Answers 3. Respiratory Physiology. I. Lung Volumes and Capacities II. Muscles of Breathing III. Lung Compliance IV. Components of Lung Recoil V. Airway Resistance
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1. Studying the Nervous Systems of Humans and Other Animals 1 UNIT I NEURAL SIGNALING 2. Electrical Signals of Nerve Cells 31 3. Voltage-Dependent Membrane Permeability 47 4. Channels and Transporters 69 5. Synaptic Transmission 93 6. Neurotransmitters, Receptors, and Their Effects 129 7. Molecular Signaling within Neurons 165 UNIT II SENSATION AND SENSORY PROCESSING 8. The Somatic Sensory System 189 9. Pain 209 10. Vision: The Eye 229 11. Central Visual Pathways 259 12. The Auditory System 283 13. The Vestibular System 315 14. The Chemical Senses 337 UNIT III MOVEMENT AND ITS CENTRAL CONTROL 15. Lower Motor Neuron Circuits and Motor Control 371 16. Upper Motor Neuron Control of the Brainstem and Spinal Cord 393 17. Modulation of Movement by the Basal Ganglia 417 18. Modulation of Movement by the Cerebellum 435 19. Eye Movements and Sensory Motor Integration 453 20. The Visceral Motor System 469 UNIT IV THE CHANGING BRAIN 21. Early Brain Development 501
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1 Fundamentals and Cell Physiology 2 Nerve and Muscle, Physical Work 3 Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) 4 Blood 5 Respiration 6 Acid–Base Homeostasis 7 Kidneys, Salt, and Water Balance 8 Cardiovascular System 9 Thermal Balance and Thermoregulation 10 Nutrition and Digestion 11 Hormones and Reproduction 12 Central Nervous System and Senses 13 Appendix Further Reading Index
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This is an admirably concise and clear guide to fundamental concepts in physiology relevant to clinical practice. It covers all the body systems in an accessible style of presentation. Bulleted checklists and boxed information provide an easy overview and summary of the essentials. By concentrating on the core knowledge of physiology, it will serve as a useful revision aid for all doctors striving to achieve postgraduate qualification, and for anyone needing to refresh their knowledge base in the key elements of clinical physiology. The author’s own experience as an examiner at all levels has been distilled here for the benefit of postgraduate trainees and medical and nursing students. Dr Ashis Banerjee is Consultant in Emergency Medicine and serves as Examiner for those undertaking their MB, BS, MRCS and MFAEM examinations
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一、定义 溃疡病是指胃肠粘膜被胃液消化而形成缺损。故也称消化性溃疡 (peptic ulcer disease) 一般情况:是一种常见病,好发于胃及十二指肠,多见于青壮年。 十二指肠溃疡比胃溃疡多见,二者之比约4:1。发作有季节性, 秋冬与冬春之交比夏季多见
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原发性高血压 hypertension 是一种严重危害人民健康的常见病、多发病。 三高:发病率、致残率、死亡率高。脑出血:500万/年 我国:现有患者1亿6千万人,每年新增150万,死亡20万 三低:知晓率45%、服药率30%、控制率10%
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一、循环系统:心脏,血管。 体循环:左心室→主动脉→各分支→全身各器官(除肺)毛细血 管→静脉系统→上、下腔静脉→右心房。 肺循环:右心室→肺动脉→肺内各分支→肺静脉→左心房
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鼻咽癌( nasopharyngea carcinoma)是由鼻咽粘膜上皮和腺体发生的恶 性肿瘤。本病主要发生在我国南方一些省份,如广东、广西、湖南、四川、福建、 台湾等省,世界其他地区也有发生。临床上男性多于女性,发病年龄多在40 岁以上
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肿瘤( tumor):是机体在各种致瘤因素的作用下,局部组织的细胞在基因水 平上失去对其生长的调控,导致克隆性异常增生或凋亡不足而形成的新生物
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