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Musculoskeletal Dynamics Grant Schaffner
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Early Ideas about Muscular Contraction Hippocrates thought that the tendons caused the body to move (he confused tendons with nerves, and in fact used the same word, neuron, for both)
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Principal Aim To assess the strength changes, and associated change in fracture risk, due to structural alterations in the proximal femora of astronauts experiencing long￾term weightlessness
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The Fundamental problem The Fundamental problem Bones get less dense as we age Bones get less dense as we age Old people with low density bones Old people with low density bones fracture easily fracture easily Space -flight rapidly causes bones to flight rapidly causes bones to get less dense get less dense
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Thematic Analysis: Outside Communications Receive Replacement Personnel or Visitors Receive Information F rom Outside Receive Mail or Fax From Friends or Family I Write, Fax, or Telephone t o Friends or Family
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Physiological System Neurovestibular System Fluids and Electrolytes Cardiovascular System Clinical
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人教版高中语文必修1第四单元12 飞向太空的航程 贾永 曹智 白瑞雪课件(3)
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