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Paulings three rules governing the structure of ionic compounds 1. Anion Coordination polyhedron rule Each cation is surrounded by an anion polyhedron, the distance between anion and cation is r=rt tr, while the cn depends on rt/r
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3. Application of Schmid's law How to determine the active S.S. for all the equivalent S.S. 2 Determine the active S.S. by Reflection Rule. Orientation cell for cubic crystals. Given: BCC Crystal having {110}slip system. Determine: active slip system in response to tensile loading along
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1. Sing le crystal ver sus po l crystal 1. For single crystals there is only one type of structure with same orientation Single crystals is characterized by anisotropy 2. Polycrystal consists of a lot of grain, small single crystals, With same structure but different orientations. These small single crystals are called grains. The boundaries between them are called grain boundaries
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Introduction 1. Definition: Fis a fictitious force which is supposed to be responsible for the motion of dislocation. Fll Criterion: The work done on crystal by stress must be equal to that done on dislocation by force F. 2. Principle of derivation of F: Macroscopic work=microscopic work (or deformation work)
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2.1 要点扫描 2.1.1 点缺陷及其平衡浓度 2.1.2 位错的基本类型及柏氏矢量 2.1.3 位错的应力场 2.1.4 位错的弹性能和线张力 2.1.5 作用在位错上的力和 Peach-Koehler 公式 2.1.6 位错间的交互作用 2.1.7 位错的起动力——Peirls-Nabarro 力 2.1.8 FCC 晶体中的位错 2.1.9 位错反应 2.1.10 HCP、BCC 及其他晶体中的位错 2.1.11 晶体中的界面与表面 2.1.12 位错的观察及位错理论的应用 2.2 难点释疑 2.2.1 柏氏矢量的守恒性 2.3 解题示范 2.4 习题训练
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2.7 Some Important Crystallographic Formulas 1. Zone and zone equation All Planes parellel to common axis [uvw] constitute a (crystal) zone, the [u v w] zone. If (h k l) belongs to zone [u v w], then hukv+=0 2.ifhuk+hw=0,then[uvw] lies in(hk) 3. For cubic crystals, [h (h k)
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4.9 Comparison Between Slip and Twinning Similar ity Both slip and twinning are shear process under shear stress T I. Differences 1. Orientation 2. Atom movement 3.y,△ a) Structure: Twinning is easy 4. Conditions b) Temperature da d c) Strain rate (c
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1、课程简介 主要介绍园艺生产中的各种设施类型、种类、特点、建筑方法以及设施内环境状况和调 控技术,介绍主要园艺植物的设施栽培技术。 2、地位和任务 《设施园艺学》是以生物科学为理论基础,同时与环境科学和工程科学相结合,研究设 施园艺生产中园艺植物生长发育规律及与之相适应的栽培管理技术和原理的一门科学,它 是园艺学中的一门重要课程。 学习本课程的主要任务,是掌握设施园艺栽培的基本理论和基本技能,并掌握当前设施 生产上推广应用的高新技术和高效栽培模式为以后从事设施园艺生产和科学研究奠定坚 实的基础
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