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43. 1 Introduction 43.2 Amplifiers 43.3 Oscillators 43.4 Multipliers
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63.1 Power System Analysis Introduction Types of Power System Analyses The Power Flow Problem. Formulation of the Bus Admittance Matrix.Example L.L. Grigsby and Formulation of the Power Flow Equations. P-V Buses.Bus
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77.1 Introduction to Telemetry 77.2 Measuring and Transmitting 77.3 Applications of Telemetry Power Sources. Power Plants 77.4 Limitations of Telemetry 77.5 Transmitters and Batteries 77.6 Receivers and Discriminators 77.7 Antennas and Total System
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75.1 Mobile Radio and Cellular Communications cation and The Difference between Fixed-to-Fixed Radio Communication an Mobile Communication-Natur tural Problems in Mobile Radio Communications. Description of Mobile Radio Systems
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Navigation Systems 109.2 Coordinate frames 109.3 Categories of Navigation 109.4 Dead Reckoning 109.5 Radio Navigation 109.6 Celestial Navigation 109.7 Map Matching Navigation
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108.2 Physical Variables 108.3 Transducers 108.4 Instrument elements 108.5 Instrumentation System 108.6 Modeling Elements of an
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吉姆·洛克哈特(Jim Lockhart)在周二晚上发现出了问题,开发各项目的软件工程师不 断报怨说计算机死机了,文件也不见了。吉姆仔细询问每个软件工程师,有些人说他们在 Windows 2000桌面上一直打开着一个电子邮件客户机程序,但只是偶尔读一下邮件。所有软 件工程师遇到的情况都类似:他们正在读电子邮件,但打开一个电子邮件的附件时计算机就 开始不正常了,第一个症状是当前所打开文件的长度变成了 0字节
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4.1 工程活动中的环境伦理观念的确立 4.2 工程活动中的环境价值与伦理原则 4.3 工程师的环境伦理
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1 土木工程师的职业伦理 2 建设管理人员的职业伦理
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