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6.1 维生素 6.1.1 概述(Introduction)6.1.2 脂溶性维生素 The Fat-Soluble vitamin •维生素A •维生素D •维生素E •维生素K 6.2 矿物质(Mineral) 6.1.3水溶性维生素 The Water-soluble Vitamins 6.1.4 维生素在食品加工和贮藏中的变化 Variation of Vitamins in food processing and storage 6.2.1 Introduction 6.2.2 Minerals in foods 6.3.3 Acid foods & alkalin foods 6.3.4 Availability of minerals
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81-1 Introduction 1 Circuit models(模型) The voltage source Two active(有源) models The current source The resistor Three passive无源) models The inductor The capacitor
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《中国传统医学》课程PPT教学课件(Traditional Chinese Medicine)General introduction on acupt therapy——General introduction of acupuncture therapy
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◆ 医学蠕虫概论 Introduction to Helminth ◆ 线虫概述 Introduction to Nematode ◆ 似蚓蛔线虫(蛔虫) Ascaris lumbricoides ◆ 毛首鞭形线虫(鞭虫) Trichuris trichiura ◆ 蠕形住肠线虫 (蛲虫) Enterobius vermicularis
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0. The Origin of Graph Colorings 1 1. Introduction to Graphs 27 2. Trees and Connectivity 53 3. Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs 71 4. Matchings and Factorization 91 5. Graph Embeddings 109 6. Introduction to Vertex Colorings 147 7. Bounds for the Chromatic Number 175 8. Coloring Graphs on Surfaces 205 9. Restricted Vertex Colorings 223 10. Edge Colorings of Graphs 249 11. Monochromatic and Rainbow Colorings 289 12. Complete Colorings 329 13. Distinguishing Colorings 359 14. Colorings, Distance, and Domination 397
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《英语国家社会与文化入门》课程PPT教学课件(上册)The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries An Introduction Book 1 Unit 02 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom Ⅱ
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《英语国家社会与文化入门》课程PPT教学课件(上册)The Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries An Introduction Book 1 Unit 01 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom Ⅰ
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1 Preliminary 11 Introduction 12 Cardinality 13 Topology of the Euclidean space 14 Metric space and Baire Category theorem 15 Continuous functions and Distance in metric space 151 Hausdorff distance and Gromov-Hausdorff distance 152 Invariant of domain 2 Lebesgue measure 21 Exterior measure 22 Measure 23 Borel sets and Measurable sets 24 Linear transformation of measurable sets 25 Sets of positive measure 3 Measurable functions 31 Measurable functions 32 Simple functions 33 Littlewood’s Three principles 4 Lebesgue’s integration theory 41 Integration 42 Interchanging limits with integrals 43 Lebesgue vs Riemann 44 Fubini’s Theorem 5 Differentiation 51 Monotone functions 52 Fundamental theorem of Calculus I 521 A detour: Bounded variation functions 53 Fundamental theorem of Calculus II 54 Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem 6 Function spaces 61 L P spaces 611 Normed vector space 612 A detour: Convexity and Jensen’s inequality 613 Completeness: Banach space 614 Separability 62 Hilbert space:
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《大学计算机基础》 《英语阅读》 《英语写作》 《英语听力》 《英语口语》 《雅思专项培训》 《高等数学》 《管理学》 《财务管理》 《Marketing Principles》 《Statistics Analysis》 《Introduction to Business Law》 《Introduction to Accounting》 《Financial Information for Decision Making》 《Quantitative Analysis for Business》 《运筹学》
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• (Very short) Introduction to Austrian forests and useful data in Austria for YASSO07 • Background: possibilities to measure and calculate changes in soil carbon; advantages and draw-backs; why use models; why use YASSO07? • Introduction to YASSO07; • Data requirements for YASSO07; • Using YASSO07; • examples of applications and analyses; • conclusions
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