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02-01-05一级考试选择题(T) 1、因为计算机采用了“存储程序控制”机制,所以能够() A)高速运行B)正确运行C)自动运行D)进行逻辑思维 2、目前,PC及兼容机的内存可配置为128()。 A)KB B)GB C) TB D)MB 3、 Outlook Express的主要功能是() A)接收发送电子邮件 B)进行文档编辑 C)播放CD音乐 D)图形处理
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一、Ⅱ幂级数: 10定义,具有下列形式的函数项级数 ∑anxn=a+a1x+a2x2+…+anxn+称为幂级数
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In this lecture, we will start from the general relative motion concepts introduced in lectures D11 and D12. and then apply them to describe the motion of 2D rigid bodies. We will think of a rigid body as a system of particles in which the distance between any two particles stays constant. The term 2-dimensional implies that particles move in parallel planes. This includes, for instance, a planar body moving within its plane
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An accelerometer is a device used to measure linear acceleration without an external reference. The main idea has already been illustrated in the previous lecture with the example of the boy in the elevator. Clearly, if we know the weight of the boy when the acceleration is zero, we can determine from the reading on the scale the value of the acceleration. In summary, the acceleration will produce an inertial force on a test mass, and this force can be nulled and measured with precision. Below we have sketch of a very simple one axis accelerometer
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In the previous lecture, we related the motion experienced by two observers in relative translational motion with respect to each other. In this lecture we will extend this relation to our third type of observer.That is, observers who accelerate and rotate with respect to each other. As a matter of illustration, let us consider a very simple situation, in which a particle at rest with respect
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In the previous lectures we have described particle motion as it would be seen by an observer standing still at a fixed origin. This type of motion is called absolute motion. In many situations of practical interest, we find ourselves forced to describe the motion of bodies while we are simultaneously moving with respect to a more basic reference. There are many examples were such situations occur. The absolute motion of a passenger inside an aircraft is best
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In addition to the equations of linear impulse and momentum considered in the previous lecture, there is a parallel set of equations that relate the angular impulse and momentum. Angular Momentum We consider a particle of mass, m, with velocity v, moving under the influence of a force F. The angular momentum about point O is defined as the \moment\ of the particle's linear
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4.4向量空间 1.向量空间:设V是具有某些共同性质的n维向量的集合,若 对任意的a,B∈V,有a+B∈V;(加法封闭) 对任意的a∈V,k∈R,有ka∈V.(数乘封闭) 称集合为向量空间
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We will start by studying the motion of a particle. We think of particle as a body which has mass, but has negligible dimensions. Treating bodies as particles is, of course, an idealization which involves an approximation. This approximation may be perfectly acceptable in some situations and not adequate in some other cases. For instance, if we want to study the motion of planets it is common to consider each planet as a particle
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钢管订购和运输优化模型 要铺设一条A1→A2→…→A13的输送天然气的主管道,如图一所示(见反 面)。经筛选后可以生产这种主管道钢管的钢厂有S1,S2,S图中粗线表示铁 路,单细线表示公路,双细线表示要铺设的管道(假设沿管道或者原来有公路,或 者建有施工公路),圆圈表示火车站,每段铁路、公路和管道旁的阿拉伯数字表示 里程(单位km) 为方便计,1km主管道钢管称为1单位钢管
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