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2-3图示翻罐笼由滚轮A、B支承,已知翻罐笼连同煤车共重 W=3kN,a=30°,B=45°。求滚轮A、B所承受的压力。有人认为 F=Wcos,FB=Wcosβ,对不对,为什么? 解:翻罐笼受力如图所示。建立图 示坐标系,列平衡方程 联解方程,得 F155N
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简单混合物 Simple mixtures偏摩尔体积 Partial molar VolumeⅤ≠V1+Ⅴ2Partial molar volume of substance a in a mixture is the change involume per mole of a added to the large volume of the mixture
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第一章总论 一、判断题 6.√7.8.V9.X 二、单项选择题 1.A2.B3C4.C5.A6.B 7.B。8.D9.A10。B11.C12.B
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Exercises 5(15) 1. Write a class with one virtual function and one non-virtual function Inherit a new class, make an object of this class, and upcast to a pointer of the base-class type. Use the clock( function found in (you'll need to look this up in your local C library guide) to measure the
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AMCM88问题A确定毒品走私船的位置 相距5.43哩的监听站收听到一个短暂的无线电讯号。收听到讯早的时候测向仪分别定位在111和 119°处(见图88A-1),测向仪的精度为±2°,该讯号来自一个毒品交换活跃的地方,据推测该处有一只 机动船正等着有人来取毒品。当时正值黄昏、无风、无潮流。一架小型直升飞机离开监听站①的简易机场 并能精确地沿111°角方向飞行
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3.1运输问题的典例和数学模型 一、典例: 某食品公司经营糖果业务,公司下设三个工厂A1、A2、A3,四个销售门市部B1、B2、B3、B4。已知每天各自的生产量、销售量及调运时的单位运输费用情况。问:如何调运可使总费用最小?
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Guaranteed Zero Reading for OV Input on All Scales The Intersil ICL7106 and ICL7107 are high performance, low True Polarity at Zero for Precise Null Detection power, 312 digit A/D converters. Included are seven seg- 1pA Typical Input Current ment decoders, display drivers, a reference, and a clock
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The OP07 is a precision operational amplifier with Ultra Low offset Voltage: 10uV for the OPO7A), input offset drift of 0. 2uv/C an Ultra Low Offset Voltage Drift0.2μ° put bias current of 0.7nA the wide inp o Ultra Stable vs. Time: 0.2u V/Month 110dB minimum(OP07A), plus high input Ultra L。wNo|e:035
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AMCM87问题A盐的存贮 美国中西部一个州把冬天用来洒在马路上的盐存贮在一个球顶仓库里大约有15年了图87A-1表示 在过去15年中盐是怎么存贮的*通过驾驶铲斗车在由盐铺成的坡道上进出仓里并利用铲斗车上的铲子把盐 装进仓里或从仓里取出来
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Background An icbm with a range of 6500 miles has a stagnation temperature of 12,000%F, 2000 f hotter than the surface of the sun Calculations showed that the optimum design for structural strength, resistance to heating, and free flight stability was a long, needle nosed reentry body But it would vaporize during reentry
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