All the models considered so far have one thing in common. There is no uncertainty. This is a very restrictive assumption. Often in economic situations there is less than perfect information. Both production and consumption often involve unknown variables that affect the profits and utility of the agents
Consumer surplus is a measure of how much money a consumer would need to be given, in order to be just willing to give up their entire consumption of a particular good. Consumer surplus is approximately the area behind the demand curve. The change in consumer surplus following aprice change is illustrated in the second graph
1. Who am I? Chris Wallace, Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Oxford University and Fellow in Economics at Trinity College. 2. What do I do? Teach economics and research in the field of game theory. 3. Who are you? First year students taking either the Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) degree
Properties of Demand Functions Comparative statics analysis(比较 静态分析) of ordinary demand functions the study of how ordinary demands *(p,P2,y) and x2*(p1,P2,y) change as prices p1, P2 and income y change