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十八、风险厌恶与公平游戏 我们将风险溢价为零时的风险投资称为公 平游戏(fair game),风险厌恶型的投资 者不会选择公平游戏或更糟的资产组合, 他们只愿意进行无风险投资或投机性投资。 当他们准备进行风险投资时,他们会要求 有相应的风险报酬,即要求获得相应的超 额收益或风险溢价。投资者为什么不接受 公平游戏呢?公平游戏看上去至少不坏, 因为它的期望收益为0,而不是为负
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证券定价理论主要指的是: (1)资本资产定价模型(capital asset pricing model, CAPM); (2)单因素模型; (3)多因素模型; 等说明证券资产价格决定的理论。 一、证券定价理论
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一、资本配置例题 你管理一种预期回报率为18%和标准差为28% 的风险资产组合,短期国债利率为8%。 1.你的委托人决定将其资产组合的70%投入 到你的基金中,另外30%投入到货币市场的短 期国库券基金,则该资产组合的预期收益率与 标准差各是多少?
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All the models considered so far have one thing in common. There is no uncertainty. This is a very restrictive assumption. Often in economic situations there is less than perfect information. Both production and consumption often involve unknown variables that affect the profits and utility of the agents
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Consumer surplus is a measure of how much money a consumer would need to be given, in order to be just willing to give up their entire consumption of a particular good. Consumer surplus is approximately the area behind the demand curve. The change in consumer surplus following aprice change is illustrated in the second graph
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1. Who am I? Chris Wallace, Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Oxford University and Fellow in Economics at Trinity College. 2. What do I do? Teach economics and research in the field of game theory. 3. Who are you? First year students taking either the Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) degree
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Properties of Demand Functions Comparative statics analysis(比较 静态分析) of ordinary demand functions the study of how ordinary demands *(p,P2,y) and x2*(p1,P2,y) change as prices p1, P2 and income y change
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一、博弈论(Game Theory) 博弈论研究决策主体的行为相互发生直接作用时的决策,以及这种决 策的均衡问题。也就是说,一个主体(一个人或一个企业)的选择受到其 他主体选择的影响,并且其选择反过来会影响到其他主体的选择,这类的 的决策问题和均衡问题就是博弈论研究的对象。在这个意义上说,博弈论 也称为“对策论
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Max u=Inx,+x2 stp2x1+P2x2≤m, XI 由于x1,x2给消费者带来的是严格正的效用,所以预算约束必定取等号。我们可以通过 预算约束消掉一个变量
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博弈论或称对策论(Game Theory),直译为 游戏理论。现实生活中的游戏有两个基本特征 :一是至少有两人参加;二是参与人的决策相 互影响。如打扑克、下象棋顾客与商人的讨价 还价、寡头厂商之间的产量决策和价格决策等 。因此我们把具备上述两个特征的活动统称为 博弈。博弈论就是用数学方法研究决策相互影 响的理性人是如何进行决策以获取最大收益的
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