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一、选择题 1.下列配制溶液的方法正确的是() (A)在溶解Na2S2O3的水中加入少量Na2CO3溶液 (B)为抑制Na2S2O3水解,在Na2S2O3溶液中加少量稀H2SO4 (C)将SnCl2·2H2O用水溶解即得到SnCl2溶液 (D)用分析天平准确称取NaOH固体,加水溶解后,用容量瓶稀释到所要求的体积
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①主要特点:a可以方便地通过对F/M的调节,使反应器内的有机物降解反应控制在 最佳状态;b进水一进入曝气池,就立即被大量混合液所稀释,所以对冲击负荷有一定的 抵抗能力;c适合于处理较高浓度的有机工业废水
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1、美国南加州大学教授 c Water b Me i gs 2、美国纽约市立大学 Leopol d a Bernstein 3、台湾政治大学教授洪国赐等 4、东北财经大学教授张先治等
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4.1关键字、标识符和注释 4.1.1关键字 4.1.2标识符 4.1.3标识符的命名匈牙利表示法(Hungarian notation)骆驼表示法(camel notation) Pascal表示法(Pascal notation) 4.1.4注释单行注释多行注释注释
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Introduction A Brief History of CACSD Technological Developments. User Interfaces. CACSD Packages of Note 112. 3 The State of the Art in CACSD Consolidation of CACSD. A critique of Matrix Environments for C. Magnus Rimvall CACSD·“ Open Systems\· Other Desirable Features 112.4 CACSD Block-Diagram Tools Christopher P Jobling Basic Block-Diagram System Representations. Architectures of Block-Diagram Syster
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一、藻类细胞的演化 (一)三条进化支系: 1、蓝红植物类群,藻胆素为光系统Ⅱ的主要集光色素。 2、黄褐植物类群,叶绿素C为光系统Ⅱ的主要集光色素。 3、绿色植物类群,叶绿素B为光系统Ⅱ的主要集光色素
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Then =1-91=1(3+:2)(3+2n 可=-1-3)=1(4-+2)(1-2+a With 1 0 O: Thus, in equilibrium, we must have ai=.2. In fact, the two firms must sit in the middle By Proposition 2.1, Pi=p?=c Discussion
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Analyzing and Recording Accounting Transactions Self-Test Multiple Choices 1. The term credit means: A. to increase. B. to decrease. C. the left side of an account D. the right side of an account 2. Which of the following is a group of accounts in that all normally have a debit balance?
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主要内容小结: 1、C、L元件的VCR; 2、(t)+r2(t=rt 3、三要素法 r(t)=r(∞)+r)-r(∞)e 4、阶跃信号ε(t)与阶跃响应S(t)
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Plant nitrogen 1.1 Uptake of N 1. N is required by plants in large amounts Most plant material contains 2-4%N and 40%C. 2. N is usually the limiting nutrient in unfertilized systems 3. Most n is taken up from the soil in the form of nht or no a small amount of NH3 can be absorbed through the leaves N2 can be used by legume plant via biological nitrogen fiXation
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