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Nobel lecture december 12, 1933 On passing through an optical instrument, such as a telescope or a camera lens, a ray of light is subjec reflecting surface. The path of the rays can be constructed if we know the two simple laws which govern the changes in direction: the law of refrac- tion which was discovered by Snellius a few hundred years ago, and the law of reflection with which Archimedes was familiar more than 2,000 years ago
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L4: Cooperativity introduction 2 phage model n phage model (Hasty et al.) as example for applying mass action law
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING School of Business. Sun Y at-sen University Lesson 11 Understanding Accounting standards Self-Test True and False Questions I. Accounting standards are laws accountants should follow in their work 2. The scandals, such as Enron and the Yinguangxia, happened because the accounting
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心脏泵血作用,由心肌电活动、机械收缩和瓣膜 活动三者相互联系配合而实现。 心动周期指心脏机械活动的周期; 心肌电周期指心脏生物电变化的周期
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Groups. Teams and Effectiveness oGroup: two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish a goal. oTeam: group who work intensively with each other to achieve a specific common goal All teams are groups, BUT, not all groups are teams. o Teams often are difficult to form I Takes time for members to work together. Teams can improve organizational performance Irwin/McGraw-Hill
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Personality traits Personality Traits: Characteristics that influence how people think, feel and behave on and off the job. Include tendencies to be enthusiastic demanding, easy-going, nervous, etc. Each trait can be viewed on a continuum, from low to high There is no \wrong trait, but rather managers have
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Managerial Decision Making Decision making: the process by which managers respond to opportunities and threats by analyzing options, and making decisions about goals and courses of action. oDecisions in response to opportunities: managers respond to ways to improve organizational performance. ODecisions in response to threats: occurs when managers are impacted by adverse events to the organization
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Sliding Filament Model Myosin head Myosin filament Actin binding site Actin filament As the actin filament sin filament. the Rate constants k myosin head can bind to it at the red triangl
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1 Fundamentals of Control Theory N. Wiener: Control theory in engineering, whether it is Concerned with Man, animal or machine, can only be regarded as a part of the theory of information [(G) Controller
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