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Lesson Plan for Graduate Students (Writing Course) Science writing in our country, according to many experts in English, is in fact scientific translation from Chinese to English. That is to say, all the Chinese college graduates are able to write academic papers in Chinese. The problem is how they can put their papers into English versions. Quite a few professors and graduate students at our university sent
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Ⅳ V The verb 1. Special link verbs y在这种情况下机器容易发热 In this case, machines get hot easily. y该皮带平压在滑轮 (pulley)上 The belt lies /presses rests/flat on the pulley y其结果证明是正确的。 Its result proves correct
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QUIZI There is a 1-in-17 chance of drawing two successive hearts in this manner. The varieties of nonferrous(有色的) metals are nearly four times what they were. There are races(种,属) between animals large and small. Leprosy does not affect most animals the way it does humans
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• 一、工商管理案例写作特点 • 二、案例学习与研究时的建议 • 三、以“阿里巴巴——电子商务生态系统”案例学习为例 • 四、案例分析辅导
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• 一、工商管理案例写作特点 • 二、案例学习与研究时的建议 • 三、以“阿里巴巴——电子商务生态系统”案例学习为例 • 四、案例分析辅导
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§ 求职信息的来源与分析方法; § 面试的有关知识; § 面试方法; § 求职信的写作。 第一节 职业选择的策略 第二节 职业信息的把握 第三节 求职技巧与方法
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2008年6月全国大学英语四级考试真题和答案 写作部分(9:009:30) Part I Writing(30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a Letter of Apology according to th utline given below. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese
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