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There are genetic processes that rearrange DNA sequences and thus lead to a more dynamic genome structure
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Occurs The borders between introns and exons are marked by specific nucleotide sequences within the pre-mRNAS
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免疫系统是任何高等动物识别自我和非己引发免疫应答、执行面疫效应 和维持自身稳定的组织系统。由具有免疫功能的器官、细胞和分子组成,使 机体免疫机制发生的物质基础
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第一节表面活性剂 第二节液体药剂的组成 第三节溶液型液体药剂 第四节高分子溶液剂和溶胶剂 第五节乳剂 第六节混悬剂 第七节不同给药途径用液体药剂 第八节液体制剂的包装与贮存
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遗传工程或基因工程,是将分子遗传学的理论与技术 相结合,用来改造、创建动、植物新品种,工业化生产生 物产品,诊断和治疗人类遗传疾病的一个新领域。 本章介绍遗传工程的基本原理和方法,基因组学的 发展及应用前景
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Biodegradable solid polymeric Materials Today course overview and administrative details Intro to concepts covered Chemistry and physical chemistry of biodegradable polymeric solids Hand-outs course syllabus Course administrative details Readin Third-Generation Biomedical Materials. \LL Hench and j M. Polak. Science 295
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Lecture 2: Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials I: Biodegradable Solid Polymeric Materials(continued) hemistry and physical chemistry of degrading polymeric solids for biomaterials Today Theory of polymer erosion Enzymatic degradation of synthetic biomaterials Designing degradable materials Reading
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Molecular Principles of Biomaterials Spring 2003 Lecture 2: Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials I: Biodegradable Materials Chemistry of Biodegradable Materials Hydrolytically degraded biomaterials Common hydrolytically unstable linkages Ester
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Lecture 5: Controlled Release Devices Last time: Using enzyme substrate and cytokine peptides to engineer biological recognition of synthetic polymers Today: principles of controlled release devices based on degradable polymers Synthesis of controlled release devices Theory of polymer-based controlled release
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Lecture 7: Hydrogel Biomaterials: Structure and Physical Chemistry Last Day: programmed/regulated/multifactor controlled release for drug delivery and tissue engineering
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