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4场效应管放大电路 4.1.1试从图4.1.5b的输出特性中,作出vs=4V时的转移特性
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2半导体二极管及其基本电路 2.1.1在室温(300K)情况下,若二极管的反向饱和电流为1nA,问它的正向电流为0.5mA时应加多大的电压?设二极管的指数模型为i=l(e\\7-1),其中n=1,Vr=26mV
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三峡大学:《电子技术基础 Fundamental of Electronic Technology》课程教学资源(试题库)模拟试题
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一、填空(本题25分) 1.对共射、共集和共基三种组态放大电路,若希望电压放大倍数大,可选 用 组态;若希望带负载能力强,应选用 组态;若希望高頻 性能好,应选用 组态。 2.晶体三极管的输出特性曲线一般分为三个区,即: 要使三极管工作在放大区必须给发射 结加 、集电结加
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一、填空(本题25分) 1.把电压信号转换为电流输出的电路称 放大电路,A=1o/ 称 利用 放大电路可将电流信号转换为电压信号, 其增益表达式为 2.晶体三极管的输出特性曲线一般分为三个区,即: ,要使三极管工作在放大区必须给发射 结加_ 、集电结加
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6. 111-Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory Project Information Introduction The term project in 6 1 1 1 is your opportunity to specify a small digital system. You will
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assachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6. 111-Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory Project resources Project resources are allocated on a per student basis. This means that a two-person
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The telemetry, tracking and control subsystem provides vital communication to and from the spacecraft TT&c is the only way to observe and to control the spacecraft's functions and condition from the ground October 29 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Enhancement of HIPERLaN/2 Systems using Space-Time Coding Mikael gidlund Radio Communication Systems Group Department of Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology(KTh) SE-100 44 Stockholm. Sweden Email: mikael gidlund@mhse
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The Eighties Reading 1. Chap. 5 and 6, Spaceflight and the myth of Presidential Leadership.\ 2. Chap. 2, \Space Policy: How Technology Economics and Public Policy Intersect.\ 3. Chap. 5 and 6, \Beyond Horizons.\ Strategic Themes
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