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第一节资金时间价值 第二节风險报酬 第三节利息率 第四节证券佔价
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第一节 系统工程方法 第二节 评价原理与方法 第三节 博弈理论与方法
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第一节 研究问题与统计方法选择 第二节 调节效应与中介效应 第三节 结构方程模型
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第一节 测量及其基本原理 第二节 量表编制与开发 第三节 测量的效度与信度
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第一节 研究主题选择 第二节 综述文献 第三节 研究计划制定
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市场渗透: increase sales to present customers with current products. How? Cut prices, increase advertising, get products into more stores. 市场开发: develop new markets with current products. How? Identify new demographic or geographic markets
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第一节 科学与科学研究 第二节 管理学科学研究
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Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption. Satisfies a want or a need. Includes: –Physical Products –Services –Persons –Places
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Objectives Setting the Price Adapting the Price Initiating & Responding to Price Changes
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A set of interdependent organizations (intermediaries) involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user
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