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目的:制作一张游戏攻略封面。内容是大家 熟悉的金庸的武侠小说《神雕侠侣》。 要点:本例主要应用 Motion Blur、Wind 滤 镜、各种图层效果等工具来完成
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目的:做一张奥运宣传画,主要是熊熊燃烧 的五环标志的制作。 要点:本例用到索引色中的黑体来产生这种 效果。主要应用 Gaussian Blur、 Lighting Effect、Cristallize、Wind、 Motion Blur 和 Ocean Ripple 等滤镜 来完成
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目的:接着上一例来完成播放器的显示屏和 以及整幅图片的背景。 要点:本例主要应用 Brush Tool、Motion Blur 滤镜、Emboss 滤镜和 Find Edge 滤镜 等工具来完成
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目的:制作如图 46.1 所示的移动字效果。 要点:在文字之后添加一条轨道痕迹,使文 字看上去像是在高速移动。本例主要 应用 Horizontal Type Mask Tool、 Gradient Tool、Motion Blur 滤镜、 Shear 滤镜、Free Transform 命令、 Brush Tool 等工具完成
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目的:制作图 32.1 所示的木纹材质效果。 要点:木纹材质是使用最多的材质纹理之 一,本例介绍的是一种制作较细腻、 逼真的木纹材质的常用方法。主要应 用 Clouds、Add Noise、Motion Blur、 Twirl、Pinch 滤镜等工具完成
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1. Why we introduce the concepts of work and energy? F ma CWE theorem r r total = CWE theorem Conservation of energy (More universal) 2. About the systems that we discuss Ignore the size, internal structure, internal motion, deformations, and thermal effects
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All around us: wheels, skaters, ballet, gymnasts, helicopter, rotors, mobile engines, CD disks, … Atomic world: electrons— “spin”, “orbit”. Universe: planets spin and orbiting the sun, galaxies spin, …
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Raphan T, Matsuo V, Cohen B (1979). Velocity storage in the vestibulo-ocular reflex arc (VOR). Experimental Brain Research 35:229-248. Henn V, Cohen B, Young LR (1980). Visual-vestibular interaction in motion perception and the generation of nystagmus
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Muscles Active while Lengthening Consider the example of ordinary exercise, lets say one of the running events in the Olympics. Muscle functions to stop the motion of the athlete as often as it does to start it. When a load larger than isometric tetanus tension To is applied to a muscle in a tetanic state of activation, the muscle lengthens at a constant
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. A particle moves with position given by r ti j = 3 ˆ + 4 ˆ v , where r v is measured in meters when t is measured in seconds. For each of the following, consider only t > 0. The magnitude of the angular momentum of this particle about the origin is ( B )
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