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我们先从一种最简单、最容易理解的图形开始分析技术形态。横线或称盘局,就是图形 之中最基本的形状。图表虽然浅显又简单但横线的含义与启示却十分重要,能够确认某种投 资是横线走势,密切观察,一但发现盘局发生变化,把握买入卖出讯号,利润可能以数倍计 图1中的阿城钢铁股价,由98年9月至12月初的走势基本呈一条横线的形状,价位在 4.5元左右,每日波动幅度不超过两三个价位,与12月中旬起逐步飙升至18元的行情不可 同日而语。9月至12月的图形形状就是“横线”,技术上又称盘局
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4.1 磷光 4.2 化学发光 4.3 生物发光
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18.1电导分析的基本概念 电导是电阻的倒数
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Principle of Virtual Displacements Consider a body in equilibrium. We know that the stress field must satisfy the differential equations of equilibrium. Multiply the differential equations of equilibrium by an \arbitrary\displacement field T
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原子簇(团簇) cluster C660 Roundest and most symmetrical molecule known to man Compressed becomes stronger than diamond Third major form of pure carbon Heat resistance and =0.77nm electrical conductivity
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he finite element Metnod Overcome limitations of Rita Simple basis functions( ow order polyuouisls) Basisfonctians supported in sdo domains(fuite elemnet Basis functions constructed to provide interpolant of proximate soluton Undetermined beraweters represent vales of dead
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How many zero eigenvalues do you think any element stiffness matrix (regardless of the type of finite element nterpolation should have in 2D and 3D, respectively?
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properties of finite dement soltions Noded point equilibrio At a node, the sow of he elemeat nodal forces s in equilibriun with Hhe externed loads
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How many quadrature points do you need to integrate a polynomial of order p= 3 exactly using Gauss'method
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