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冷矩阵的秩( Rank of a matrix) 定义1在mxn矩阵A中,任取k行k列(k≤m,k ≤n),位于这些行列交叉处的k2个元素,不 改变它们在A中所处的位置次序而得的k阶行列 式,称为矩阵A的k阶子式。 定义2如果矩阵A有一个不等于零的阶子式D, 并且所有的r+1阶子式(如果有的话)全为零 则称D为矩阵A的最高阶非零子式,称r为矩阵 A的秩,记为R(A)=r,并规定零矩阵的秩等 于零
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1室内热湿环境的形成原理 2室内热湿环境与各种内外扰之间的关系 3得热量与冷负荷之间的关系
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4.1通心面的生产技术 4.2线面、冷面 4.3面饼、面片
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1 Raw material selection: fruit and vegetables 1.2 Criteria for selection 1.3 Specifications 1.4 New trends in raw material production 1.5 New trends in plant breeding 1.6 Conclusion
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Preface During the last 40 years, consumer choice has been trans velopment in the production, distribution and retailing of food improvements in the design and equipment of the domestic kitchen have facilitated a major change in our lifestyle. Perhaps the most striking development is the marketing of a wide and
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Australia 461-2 automated enzyme immunoassays 205-6 agronomic characteristics 20-1 automated microbiological methods air handling system
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Chapter 8 Mr robert d. Heap mBe Dr Roy b idge Refrigeration Technology Campden Chorleywood Food Research market Road Association
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Organisations looking to develop their business operations through the current volatile economic climates need to establish clear objectives as to how the various elements of the business need to perform to ensure continuing growth and viability. In order to achieve these objectives it is further imperative to have mechanisms in place to monitor performance and also to provide a process by which change can be implemented in those areas of activity which need strengthening. Total Quality
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The primary concern of chilled food manufacturers is to produce a product that is both wholesome, i.e. it has all the fresh, quality attributes associated with a chilled food, and safe, i.e. free from pathogenic microorganisms and chemical and foreign body contamination. This is particularly important in this product ector as, due to the nature and method of production, many chilled foods are classified as high-risk products
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Many different ingredients and raw materials are processed to make chilled foods. At harvest or slaughter these materials may have a wide range of microbes in or on them. Some of them carry the micro-organisms that cause their eventual spoilage(e.g. bacilli or Lactic acid bacteria) whilst others pick them up during harvesting or processing
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