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Karnaugh maps It is a matrix of squares. each square represent a minterm or maxterm from a Boolean equaTion N-variable karnaugh map have 2 squares The binary numeral on the sides of k-map is the variable coordinates
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simple counters Counting is a fundamental function of digital circuits. A digital counter consists of a collection of flip-flops that change states (set or reset) in a prescribed sequence
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Analysis Analyze existing circuits to determine their function Synchronous sequential circuit The basic modeling structure Two circuit models: Mealy model& Moore model Three approach used to describe the circuit: Logic function equation
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数据库技术的演化(2) 1980s晚期: 各种高级数据库系统(扩展的关系数据库面向对象数据库等 等)
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Sequential Circuit Models Yo Combinational logic Universal combinational circuit model No memory units No feedback from logic outputs back to the inputs
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4.4.1 同步二进制计数器 4.4.2 同步十进制计数器 4.4.3 异步计数器
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Registers, formed from collection of flip -flops, are used to store or manipulate data or both. Input and output function associated with registers include Parallel input/ Parallel output Serial input/ Serial output Parallel input/ Serial output OSerial input parallel output
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