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一、乔木、灌木或草本,常含乳状汁。 二、单叶,稀为复叶,互生,有时对生,具托叶。 三、花序为聚伞花序、杯状花序,或总状花序和穗状花序花单性,双被、单被或无花被;有花盘或腺体;
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一、木本。树皮、叶和花有香气。 二、单叶互生,全缘或浅裂;托叶大,包被幼芽,早落,在节上留有托叶环。 三、花大型,单生,两性,偶单性,整齐,下位; 四、花托伸长或突出;
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草本,灌木或乔木,常有刺及明显的皮孔。 叶互生,稀对生,单叶或复叶,托叶常附生于叶柄上 而成对。 花两性,辐射对称,花托凸隆或凹陷, 花被与雄蕊常愈合成1碟状、钟状杯状、坛状或圆筒 状的花筒( floral tube或 hypanthium),此花筒常被 称为萼筒或花托筒,花萼、花冠和雄蕊看起来从花筒
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THE CELL WALL Before traversing the plasma membrane(p. m., ions must first cross the cell wall and contact the p. m the bulk flow of soil solution coul theoretically carry inorganic ions into the cell wall and through the apoplastic pathway. The thickness of a cell wall is in the range of 500 to 1000 nm. It is porous
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Scope of this lecture Root functions: for plant, soil and ecosystem Root structure and pathways for uptake of nutrients the symplast and apoplast Root architecture(结构) and morphology(形态) Responses of roots and root systems to environmental stress Root hairs and their functions Introduction to combined strategies for efficient
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Acknowledge I expresses thanks to Assoc. Prof. rob Reid of Adelaide university of Australia, Dr Jeff Gale, foreign teacher of northwest A&F University of China, and Prof. Zhang Fusuo, Prof. Li Xiaolin of China Agriculture University, Prof Liu Yuanyin of Northeast agriculture Unversity and other authors who provide materials for me, or whose materials, such as photographs and figures etc, I used in the lectures
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第一节远缘杂交的概念和作用 第二节远缘杂交不亲和的原因及克服方法 第三节远缘杂种夭亡、不育、不稔及其克服方法 第四节远缘杂种后代的分离与选择
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The short distance transports of nutrients There are two main steps nutrients translocation in plant after nutrients absorbed by the root. One is the centripetal transport from the rhizoplane through the cortex tissue of the roots towards the xylem vessels of the central cylinder. Another one is the vertical transport from from the root towards the leaves
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1.掌握盆栽试验的基本方法、技术 2.通过实验,直观观察主要农作物氮、磷、钾缺乏的典型症状:比较不同养分配合对作物生长的效应的差异,了解氮、磷、钾肥对作物生长的影响
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一、目的 氮、磷、钾是作物营养三要素的肥料,也是生产上使用最普遍的,通过实验检定其 主要理化特性,可以巩固课堂理论知识,并为正确地鉴别和使用肥料打下基础
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