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Lecture 16: Intracellular drug delivery Last time nano- and micro-particle drug carriers Delivery to tissues from systemic circulation Today. Intracellular drug delivery Reading A.S. Hoffman et aL., Design of \smart polymers that can direct intracellular drug delivery, Polym. Adv. Technol. 13, 992-999(2002) Ph gradients and drug delivery: cancer res. 56, 1194(1996): adv drug deliv rev 25, 3 (1997); see asokan minireview
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Lecture 19: Biosensors(continued ast time: biosensor device cla Gene array biosensor Today detection methods Detection Elements Macroscopic fluorescence, diffraction, or interference ·what Example: quantum dot-loaded microsphere capture agents QDs show size-dependent luminescence Narrow emission bands from a common excitation wavelength
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engineering intracellular delivery Drug targeting Today biosensor device classes Detection methods Overview of biosensor technology Classes of biosensor devices External analysis/detection
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Biodegradable Solid Polymers Spring 2003 Issued Day 1 Day 3 1. The chemical structure of a new degradable polymer, poly (ethylene glycol)-b-polylysine-b- poly (D, L-lactide)
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1. (4 pts) An early study in the development of peptide-presenting biomaterials showed that polymer surfaces bearing RGD peptides at a density equivalent to -10 peptides per each cell was sufficient to promote cell attachment, spreading and subsequent cell growth. In contrast, when whole fibronectin protein was adsorbed to polymer surfaces, it was found that many more copies of the
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A recent study of controlled release of a model small-molecule drug from poly (lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres prepared by the single-emulsion method found that the diffusion constant of the drug through the polymer was best related to the polymer's molecular weight according to
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1. Re-derive the equation for equilibrium swelling of a polyelectrolyte gel where the polymer chains contain a basic ionizable group that becomes positively charged with decreasing pH
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固体污染物:水中以固体形态存在的污染物,其存在态包括悬浮状态、胶体状态和溶解状态三种。 悬浮物:粒径在1nm以下,主要以低分子或离子状态存在的固体物质。 浊度:水中含有泥土、粉砂、微细有机物、无机物、浮游生物等悬浮物和胶体物都可以使水质变的浑浊而呈现一 定浊度,水质分析中规定:1L水中含有1mgSi所构成的浊度为一个标准浊度单位,简称1度
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一、课程概述 (一)课程性质与地位 大学化学课程是从原子、分子层次上研究与认识物质世界的组成、结构及 其变化规律,是军队院校一门重要的基础课,是学员知识结构的重要组成部 分,在培养学员科学的自然观、宇宙观和辩证唯物主义的世界观,以及良好的 科学素质和创新能力,提高学员综合素质方面具有非常重要的作用
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15.1遗传多态性 15.2生命的起源与生物进化论 15.3物种形成 15.4分子水平的进化 15.5动植物的抗药性(自学)
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